The main idea of the place is to create a trophy-room for all those hunters and survivalists out there. As of now, there are a mounted head of every creature in the game (If I'm not forgetting some), and a wall of the various faction leaders around the Mohave.
When the mod is done, you'll have to kill the various creatures to gain the mounted heads, and when you kill a leader and activate their picture, a bloody X will appear over them. - For man hunting
What I need from you, the community, is a location to have the cabin and some other small things. I would prefer a secluded place, hopefully on the top of a hill / mountain. Please link a picture of the place, and a picture of your pipboy (map), and I'll check it out. The one who finds the best place (the place I choose) will get their name in the credits (yaay, awesome reward huh?).
I'll update some more images tomorrow.
Hope there are someone who can find a suitable place! And don't be shy to come with ideas for the mod (keep in mind that it's suppose to be a small cabin mod, no fancy sortingdeviced or spawningdevices).
Maybe I'm lacking some leaders on the board too, tell me.