I'm concerned about Bethesda's Kotaku blacklist (http://kotaku.com/a-price-of-games-journalism-1743526293) because iot smacks of public manipulation. I wonder if Bethesda relaizes that what they are doing is hindering journalism. It is childish and unprofessional to react this way just because you don't like or agree with what the article states. if your product is better than what they say, wouldn't that play out when the audience got it's habds on it? Why not at that time expect new information to be written in a more positive fashin instead of taking the ugly route of attacking the new medium - which makes it look like your trying to control the viewpoints of the public by bullying midia outlets. I hope you think hard about what you are doing - and relaize that any time you are react the same way Ubisoft is you MUST be in the wrong!
I don't know what your PR department is thinking - but this is giving Bethesda a bad look. It looks like your trying to suppress the press and only want to co-operate with those who kiss up to you. The fact that it is information you did not want to be leaked is no excuse. They are journalists and their job s to report to the public, not help you hype. Even if the information was wrong (which it wasn't) or something that might change - at the time it was true and was verified and was fit to be reported. I hope you show some class and apologize for reacting brashly - looking back it didn't hurt your sales anyway - did it? (Which is still no excuse for not co-operating with the press).