KOTN - Cannot Reach Umaril in Garlas Malatar Carac Abaran

Post » Wed Dec 19, 2012 12:57 pm

I must be having a major senior moment as I cannot remember how to get to the room with Umaril in Garlas Malatar. I have smashed the orb, headed north on the platform and entered Carac Abaran. I went down the steps and turned left (east); went past the grills and could see Umaril's throne room; turned left (north) again and worked my way into a big room with a grill that allows me to see into the hallway that leads south into Umaril's room, but I cannot figure out how to get into that hallway so that I can head south into the big room to do battle with Umaril. I know there is a hidden door in the NorthWest corner of this room, but I cannot find anyway to activate it.

I have read several walk throughs, but they all say that you just enter Carac Abaran, run through the halls and enter the throne room. None of them indicate how to open the hidden door or that you even need to. This is driving me nuts so any help would be greatly appreciated.

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