Alright, quick rundown of the situation. Made a Hand to Hand fighter with Heavy armor and a few other skills. Began the KOTN Questline at about level 4. I played through with everything going fine, aside from the fact that Hand to Hand is incredibly underpowered, until I received the curse from Kellen/Keller? in the Leyawin Chapel. The curse pretty much screwed my guy since it drains my fatigue so fast that the only way my fatigue will regenerate is if i am immobile, or walking incredibly slow, remember heavy armor. No Fatigue = worthless fighter. It wasnt to bad at first, more of an annoyance, which I figured would get cured quickly, I'm almost at the end of the quest and I still havent been cured. At this point I am about to quit this character since it takes anywhere from 5 - 10 minutes to kill anything since my punches do roughly 1 damage when my fatigue is out, and I get stunned every other hit. I've gotten into fights where I was chain stunned for a couple minutes, and then spent 20+ minutes trying to kill 3 Headless Zombies before I said screw it and dropped the difficulty. My skills rocketed out of control since a fight would involve me hitting an enemy for several minutes, leveling my hand to hand, each and every fight.
Question Part \/
So, how do I get rid of this curse? I have no information in my journal letting me know and no one at the KOTN priory has an option to help me.
Thanks for any help, Phathod.