[Relz] Kragenir's Death Quest v2.0

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:53 pm

It's Ra'qanar who can tell you something. It seems that he likes to move around though.

Okay. Got the dope on him from the Wiki.
Can't figure out why I haven't found him. As a matter of fact, I don't remember ever meeting him in the game. If all else fails, there's always the moveto command (since he's a scripted NPC I don't want to use the placeatme command.

Aaaah... looks like a conflict with the MOD Heart of the Dead. It places a character in his room who attacks me when I enter the castle. Can't figure out how that displaces Ra'qanar, though. When I do a moveto I get transported to his room but he's not there—even after I kill off the other character.

Advancing the quest ( to 15) brings the same results as when I tried earlier: I get the log entry and quest marker to talk to Wilber, but he has no dialog. Advancing the quest to 20 gives the cryptic quest to get the berries from a mage at the guildhall for Vironir's (?) drink. However there are no dialog options from any of the four mages. Was Ra'qanar supposed to give me something to trigger the quest further?

I may be able to remove HotD but I am using a companion from it that I really don't want to loose.
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:49 am

Another great mod released. Congrats.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:21 pm

The marauder is supposed to be passive until you loot the amulet. I figured people would assume she is hostile like everything else in the dungeon and attack her right away... Maybe I'll do something to prevent that.

Perhaps just rename her to Adventurer or Scout or something - then you would be surprised by her attack rather than by her not attacking. Which I presumed was caused by the often confused AI in Nornal btw.
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Peter P Canning
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:47 am

A small issue with the Rural Line Additions has been discovered. For some reason the line additions for Border Watch all disappear after a certain stage in the Sheogorath quest. The Border Watch quest from the main esp isn't affected. I'm still trying to figure out the problem.

So far I'm pretty satisfied with how the 2.0 release turned out, there are only a few bugs. Unlike the V1.0 release which had some pretty awful bugs...
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Jeff Tingler
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:41 am

So far I'm pretty satisfied with how the 2.0 release turned out, there are only a few bugs. Unlike the V1.0 release which had some pretty awful bugs...

As well you should be. Congrats... :celebration:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:57 pm

I have just installed 2.0 since I have done all quests that conflicts except an orcs bag
and I did not think that it was a big deal, however there is one other "Akaviri Obsession
which is in conflict because when I started to play again I remembered that I was given
a quest to go look for a sword and that quest is not in my questlist anymore, not such a
big deal but I am curious what will happen if I find said sword the problem is that I do
not remember where it is, so some help here, I have found the shield and the worthless
helmet so were is the sword?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:51 pm

I have just installed 2.0 since I have done all quests that conflicts except an orcs bag
and I did not think that it was a big deal, however there is one other "Akaviri Obsession
which is in conflict because when I started to play again I remembered that I was given
a quest to go look for a sword and that quest is not in my questlist anymore, not such a
big deal but I am curious what will happen if I find said sword the problem is that I do
not remember where it is, so some help here, I have found the shield and the worthless
helmet so were is the sword?

I just thought of a potential issue with this quest and the new scripted delay thing I added in V2.0... Anyway I don't know if that's your problem, what exactly do you mean that this quest isn't in your list anymore? Isn't Akaviri Obsession anywhere on your quest list at all? It just disappeared?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:03 pm

povuholo, not sure if this is a bug or not...but the new quest in Bruma, "Out of Control"--is that supposed to have journal entries associated with it? I talked to Olfand about his wife, and he told me to go see Gan Luseph, but no quest about it popped up in my journal. I didn't get a quest update until I talked to Luseph, and that one gave the quest's name as "Running wild."

Is that normal KDQ behavior? It seemed strange to me that I didn't get a quest added when I talked to Olfand, but then, maybe Oblivion's got me trained with its quest updates every time my character so much as sneezes. :P
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:42 pm

I installed KDQ with Omod. I'm wondering: is there a place I can go to find a quest to make sure it installed properly?

I have been running around towns b/c I thought it added dialogue and so far haven't found anything.... but maybe I'm simply not looking in the right places?

Could people name two or three locations/people I can check to see if it installed and is running correctly?

Thank you!

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Laura Richards
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:00 pm

povuholo, not sure if this is a bug or not...but the new quest in Bruma, "Out of Control"--is that supposed to have journal entries associated with it? I talked to Olfand about his wife, and he told me to go see Gan Luseph, but no quest about it popped up in my journal. I didn't get a quest update until I talked to Luseph, and that one gave the quest's name as "Running wild."

Is that normal KDQ behavior? It seemed strange to me that I didn't get a quest added when I talked to Olfand, but then, maybe Oblivion's got me trained with its quest updates every time my character so much as sneezes. :P

No there should be a journal update after speaking to Olfand. I'll fix it for the update, but as you've already figured out you can continue the quest just fine by talking to Gan Luseph.
I installed KDQ with Omod. I'm wondering: is there a place I can go to find a quest to make sure it installed properly?

I have been running around towns b/c I thought it added dialogue and so far haven't found anything.... but maybe I'm simply not looking in the right places?

Could people name two or three locations/people I can check to see if it installed and is running correctly?

Thank you!


The 'KDQ Quest Information.html' file that comes with the main download has a full list, but here are a few quest givers:


Krognak gro-Brok at the Anvil docks
Dervera Romalen in the Cheydinhal New Lands Lodge
Brodras or Weebam-Na in Leyawiin

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:18 pm

Okay this is very frustrating. *Something* is setting an NPC's confidence to 0 in combat. I suspect a mod because this didn't happen before. This causes a character in one of the leyawiin quests who locks you in his house to flee, while you were suppoesd to kill him to get the key to be able to leave. So you fight him, he flees out of the house, and you're trapped. I set the character's confidence to 100 but something is setting it to 0 at random.

And if you kill him while he's fleeing it counts as murder. :stare:

Edit: I'm pretty sure it's Reneer's Guard Overhaul. This also explains my AI troubles with Vilja. Figures. I'll have a look if anything can be done.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:31 pm

Okay this is very frustrating. *Something* is setting an NPC's confidence to 0 in combat. I suspect a mod because this didn't happen before. This causes a character in one of the leyawiin quests who locks you in his house to flee, while you were suppoesd to kill him to get the key to be able to leave. So you fight him, he flees out of the house, and you're trapped. I set the character's confidence to 100 but something is setting it to 0 at random.

And if you kill him while he's fleeing it counts as murder. :stare:

Edit: I'm pretty sure it's Reneer's Guard Overhaul. This also explains my AI troubles with Vilja. Figures. I'll have a look if anything can be done.

I've had trouble with Reneer's also. It kept setting my bounty to 500—often without any notification. I'd reset it in the console and the next thing you know I'm getting swarmed by guards and arrested :ahhh: I use the Grtey Cowl of Nocturnal a lot it is possible that the MOD gets confused when I take it off.

I had to throw a switch (can't remember which one) and that fixed it. I don't know why Reneers should affect your NPC if he isn't a guard. That said, the AI interactions in this game boggle the mind. :blink:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:40 pm

I've had trouble with Reneer's also. It kept setting my bounty to 500—often without any notification. I'd reset it in the console and the next thing you know I'm getting swarmed by guards and arrested :ahhh: I use the Grtey Cowl of Nocturnal a lot it is possible that the MOD gets confused when I take it off.

I had to throw a switch (can't remember which one) and that fixed it. I don't know why Reneers should affect your NPC if he isn't a guard. That said, the AI interactions in this game boggle the mind. :blink:

It kept setting Vilja's bounty to 500 too and then I'd have to pay for it! :rofl:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:10 pm

It kept setting Vilja's bounty to 500 too and then I'd have to pay for it! :rofl:


Vilja reminds me of Constance sometimes, but that's just ridiculous!
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:39 pm

I've solved the problem with the leyawiin house door that could not be unlocked when a keychain mod is used. I've also tested a demoralize spell on the NPC holding the key, and luckily he won't be able escape the house. It's only with Reneer's Guard Overhaul that he can get out and screw stuff up, and there's not much I can do about that.

I'm going on vacation for 2 and a half weeks as of tomorrow so I won't be able to respond to anything. But do not let that keep you from posting bug reports or anything! I will release a small update later today, with the following changes:
-Fixed the problem where you'd be unable to claim your reward for the 'Killing the Queen' quest if you killed the rat queen-In 'Off the Record' City Swimmer will now give you the note that you need to deliver.-In the Cluttermonkey Faction quest where you have to hand over 2 sets of pants,  you'd be unable to hand over the first set if you already had the second set in your inventory. This has now been fixed.-During Bashful's quest you can no longer accidentally get a bounty on your head for attacking a passive Marauder.-Several hard to find quest items in dungeons have been given a subtle magic glow to make them easier to spot.-Two quest items from the Robe of Lust quest can no longer be found before the quest is started.-Added a missing journal entry for the Running Wild quest.-Fixed an issue where a door in the Tension in Town quest could not be unlocked, especially when a Keychain mod was used.

Also because my PM inbox is almost always near full I've completely emptied it, I don't need those PMs from 2005 anymore! So everyone should be able to reach me by PM in the next weeks if for whatever reason they don't post their things in this thread.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:55 pm

I lucked out!

While working a quest line for another, unrelated mod, I discovered that a potential contact NPC was dead (likely the result of Ayleid Steps traveling back before the I set NPCs to essential when they travel via step). Anyway, I did the old prid , resurrect 1, disable, enable, moveto player routine. The NPC in question did indeed have quest related dialog. Only, it wasn't for the quest I was hoping to advance, but rather a Kragenir quest I'd been stalled on for months! Got an update and and directions to another contact!

BTW, I reported that Vamp Rising, which I Borked in an early Kragenir version, had begun to advance again following the update. I spoke too soon. I did indeed get that one Vamp update, but have not been able to progress any further. (And yes, I realize the update did not include an VP un-Borker. Just wishful thinking on my part.)

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:03 pm

Remember that as of V2.0 you can resurrect certain NPCs with the NPC fix script that was added in 2.0. To activate it type 'startquest PovNPCFix'. It does not work on all NPCs but still quite a lot, especially those that like to get themselves killed while travelling in the vanilla game. Could save you the trouble of looking up the Ref ID and all that. :)

Version 2.01 is available now!


2.01 04/07/2010:

Kragenir's Death Quest.esp:

-Fixed the problem where you'd be unable to claim your reward for the 'Killing the Queen' quest if you killed the rat queen
-In 'Off the Record' City Swimmer will now give you the note that you need to deliver.
-In the Cluttermonkey Faction quest where you have to hand over 2 sets of pants,
you'd be unable to hand over the first set if you already had the second set in your inventory. This has now been fixed.
-During Bashful's quest you can no longer accidentally get a bounty on your head for attacking a passive Marauder.
-Several hard to find quest items in dungeons have been given a subtle magic glow to make them easier to spot.
-Two quest items from the Robe of Lust quest can no longer be found before the quest is started.
-Added a missing journal entry for the Running Wild quest.
-Fixed an issue where a door in the Tension in Town quest could not be unlocked, especially when a Keychain mod was used.
-Fixes an issue with 'document treasure' pop ups for Oblivion XP users.

I really couldn't be bothered to do an OMOD version right now, annoying little things. It'll come later.

I'll be around for the rest of the day. But otherwise, see you guys in two weeks! :wave:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:37 pm

Remember that as of V2.0 you can resurrect certain NPCs with the NPC fix script that was added in 2.0. To activate it type 'startquest PovNPCFix'. It does not work on all NPCs but still quite a lot, especially those that like to get themselves killed while travelling in the vanilla game. Could save you the trouble of looking up the Ref ID and all that. :)

I forgot about that! I'll try and see if that brings back the missing NPC in Castle Cheydenhal.
I'll be around for the rest of the day. But otherwise, see you guys in two weeks! :wave:

Enjoy a well deserved vacation. :intergalactic:

I'll save up all the bug reports 'til you get back :rofl:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:30 pm

Enjoy a well deserved vacation. :intergalactic:

I'll save up all the bug reports 'til you get back :rofl:

I'm looking forward to it! :hehe:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:34 pm

have a nice time povu :foodndrink:
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Alexander Horton
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:36 am

Ugh should've checked my e-mail before uploading. Malchik reports a few issues with the clothes section of the Cluttermonkey quest line. I guess it'll have to wait.

Ah well, there was bound to be another update anyway. Everyone click the 'track file' button on the Nexus page! :P
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:53 pm

I am stuck,
where do I find the Strong Potion of Endurance? Where do I start?

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:27 pm

Can I request a tiny tiny tiny change.

When you start the game - the guy who came to you during sleep - can you change the dialogue wording so that it didnt say about escaping from the prison? I'm currently using a MQ delayer and even by level 3, I dont think I'm touching MQ yet..

Its not game breaking, simply a weird situation from PC PoV.. Since you said just a few post that there would be another planned release anyway :P

Not that important .. but thought I just stated a request :D
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Harry-James Payne
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:30 pm

I just thought of a potential issue with this quest and the new scripted delay thing I added in V2.0... Anyway I don't know if that's your problem, what exactly do you mean that this quest isn't in your list anymore? Isn't Akaviri Obsession anywhere on your quest list at all? It just disappeared?

Well it is sort of it says that I have found the shield and that is all.
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Peter lopez
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:46 pm

Can I request a tiny tiny tiny change.

When you start the game - the guy who came to you during sleep - can you change the dialogue wording so that it didnt say about escaping from the prison? I'm currently using a MQ delayer and even by level 3, I dont think I'm touching MQ yet..

Second that. A lot of folks use alt start mods, so something like this would be nice.

My question: In the Courier Competition quest, all I get is a pop-up when I find one of the stones, which is what I get before I start the quest. Is there supposed to be a journal entry tracking how many I've found? It'd be nice to know how many or which ones I've found, so I don't forget and go looking for them again, you know?
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