Can't figure out why I haven't found him. As a matter of fact, I don't remember ever meeting him in the game. If all else fails, there's always the moveto command (since he's a scripted NPC I don't want to use the placeatme command.
Aaaah... looks like a conflict with the MOD Heart of the Dead. It places a character in his room who attacks me when I enter the castle. Can't figure out how that displaces Ra'qanar, though. When I do a moveto I get transported to his room but he's not there—even after I kill off the other character.
Advancing the quest ( to 15) brings the same results as when I tried earlier: I get the log entry and quest marker to talk to Wilber, but he has no dialog. Advancing the quest to 20 gives the cryptic quest to get the berries from a mage at the guildhall for Vironir's (?) drink. However there are no dialog options from any of the four mages. Was Ra'qanar supposed to give me something to trigger the quest further?
I may be able to remove HotD but I am using a companion from it that I really don't want to loose.