There we go!
Can I request a tiny tiny tiny change.
When you start the game
- the guy who came to you during sleep - can you change the dialogue wording so that it didnt say about escaping from the prison? I'm currently using a MQ delayer and even by level 3, I dont think I'm touching MQ yet..
Its not game breaking, simply a weird situation from PC PoV.. Since you said just a few post that there would be another planned release anyway
Not that important .. but thought I just stated a request

I'll see what I can do. Possibly I could even add a check to see if the player played through the original beginning or not.
My question: In the Courier Competition quest, all I get is a pop-up when I find one of the stones, which is what I get before I start the quest. Is there supposed to be a journal entry tracking how many I've found? It'd be nice to know how many or which ones I've found, so I don't forget and go looking for them again, you know?
A way to track which ones you've had would be nice indeed. Right now you get a pop up and a list in your inventory once you've found a full set of 7 stones, but nothing that says which ones you've found so far. I'll have a look at what would be the best way to do this.
But I know why, it's not because I couldn't find the "Strong potion of Endurance", I cheated and got to the part of the Potion of Insomnia...
but where the HELL is Ubad? The quest marker points to some random spot in The Fo'c's'le, but Ubad is nowhere to be found.
If there is any way to respawn Ubad I'd like to know, but I ended up skipping the quest entirely and was able to finish without him.
Ubad won't appear until you've talked to Mirabelle Monet about him again, after having bought a Strong Potion of Endurance. Because you skipped this step he won't appear at all.
The Strong Potion of Endurance is a vanilla potion. I'm playing with OOO now and see that it renames all the vanilla potions. It renames this particular potion to 'Ad Fortitude III'. Other mods like COBL might do this too. I'll add a little line to the dialogue and journal entry that the potion might be 'labelled' differently, and mention 'Ad Fortitude III'.
If you are using OOO or other mods that rename the potions in that way you could look for that potion, or to be 100% sure you can add the right potion with this console command:
player.additem 000092EB 1
Problems with quest "Killing the Queen"
I haven't heard of this before. Trespassing can lower your reputation?
Anyone know where the glowing pillar is in Anutwyll? I've been there several times and never found it. I even checked without nightvision (since it's a little hard to see glowing lights when everything glows!) but no joy. There IS one there, right? Those guys aren't just yanking my chain, are they?
The pillar is on the first level of the dungeon, 'Anutwyll'. It's at the end of a hallway where cages hang from the ceiling, where there are a lot of gas emitters. At the end there are two pillars next to each other and one of them is a pillar of wisdom.
I think I'm going to add a subtle glowing effect to the pillars themselves. That way it doesn't look like an ordinary support piece for the ceiling. I tried it before but it turned out too bright and looked out of place, but I think I can do better.
I hope you enjoyed your holiday, I have 2 problems thre first is that Gaff is gone from the
cellar under 3 sisters inn, that is in the cluttermonkey quest and the second is that
I do not get an update during the missing mounts quest when I follow the road westward
outside Chorrol.
I don't see how Old Gaff could leave, his only AI package is to wander around the cellar. But you've seen him there before?
So you got the the hoof prints update but not the second? There should be
Spoiler a couple of bones and blood right next to the road not so far to the west. It could be difficult to see because of grass. There are one or two bones on the road itself but they can be a bit hard to see.
Well it is sort of it says that I have found the shield and that is all.
I'll come back to you about this tomorrow.