Ok thanks - I take it that the newer mod only activates the quest then at that point?
so in cleaning the mod tes4edit defined these records as identical to Oblivion.esm:
Removing: UnmarkedCave01ExRef [REFR:00015240] (places CDoor00 "Wood Door" [DOOR:000F58BD] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:00023777] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at 0,0))
I 're-unlocked' that cave to solve a problem some people were having with that door not staying unlocked. I don't know if that trick actually works and the door is going to be unlocked by script now too when necessary so it's not really needed anymore. So it should be safe to clean.
Removing: LeyawiinBlackwoodTreeRoom "Blackwood Company Hall Basemant" [CELL:0003B1E5]
Removing: SkingradCastleChamberOfTheLost "Chamber of the Lost" [CELL:00035C31]
Removing: EchoCave02 "Echo Passages" [CELL:00083896]
Removing: SkingradHouseForSaleBasemant "Rosethorn Hall Basemant" [CELL:00029075]
Removing: ICWaterfrontDarelothsHouse "Dareloth's House" [CELL:0004BF34]
Removing: ParadiseCamoranFortress "Carac Agaialor" [CELL:0001FB1E]
All related to how The One Ring quest originally worked, can/should be cleaned.
Removing: AndreLetter "Andre's Letter" [BOOK:000C56D9]
Yes, that's fine.
and this one as a deletion:
Undeleting: [REFR:000C52EA] (places EnchSteelHelmetResistMagicka "Witchhunter Helmet" [ARMO:0004965E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AnvilJesansixtiusHouse "Jesan sixtius' House" [CELL:000308C0])
This helmet is going to be a reward from Jesan sixtius in a quest I'm working so I wanted to remove it from his house, so it was deleted on purpose. But if you want to undelete it that doesn't matter much, especially since you can't even get the quest yet.
From now on I'll clean the mod myself before releasing an update. It was done for the first release but not the last few.