I finally had time to play the game instead of modding it.

I've started a new character and I'm operating mostly in the Imperial City for now. So far, I love the mod. It's nice to experience quests that don't give uber rewards. I also like the fact that the quests are given by existing NPCs. (Now they have a purpose!)
The only thing that bothered me a bit is that I was forced to help the man who wanted me to recover the books in the Elven Gardens district. His relative told me that he needed help, so when I went to see him and I learned that the wanted help for recovering books, I would have liked to have a choice to turn down the quest. (Since my character is an evil bastard who doesn't want to fetch books.

There was also the instance with Thamriel and her visions.
Spoiler I would have liked to have the option in the likes of "What does it have to do with me?" instead of being only able to answer "I must stop this." (In the quest where she tells you there's a powerful vampire willing to put the IC in danger.) But I was able to turn down the quest later by telling her she was crazy and filled with non-sense.

For roleplaying purposes, being able to say "No, not interested" in addition to accepting the quest would be great. But, then again, I only played some quests in the IC and one in Chorrol. So I don't know if the other quests have this.
The new rumors and dialogue for the settlements is really great. Kragenir's Death Quest + Lore Dialogue + Let's Talk! adds a LOT to the dialogue experience.

Thank you very much for taking the time to do this!