I am close to the end of the second part of the main quest (I guess). I finished all color quests for the teleporter and have been asked now to meet someone at the chapel in Leyawiin. Inside the chapel I see a green mapmarker, but at the point where it is shown, no one ist standing around. There are other people inside the chapel, but all have no other options than 'rumours'. When I go down to the crypt, the marker turns red, so I guess the contact person should really be on the main level of the chapel. Can I meet him only at special hours? I waited already for some hours, but nothing has been changed, the green marker is still on the same place (near the first small altar on the left side), but no NPC is in sight. After reaching so far in the main quest it would be too bad to be thrown out of the quest just because of a missing contact. Does anyone know a way around or at least can anyone give me a quest name, so I can try to go on with the help of the console? Thanks in advance!
Usually when a quest marker is supposed to point at an NPC but the NPC isn't there, he's dead or disabled. In this case however you're looking for Marvo the Magnificent who is an NPC added by the mod so he shouldn't be able to die. He also should've been enabled (at the same time as Violetta) when Orintur points you towards Willow Bank.
I don't know what happened, but the easiest way to fix it yourself is to load the mod in the construction set (click 'yes' to the errors, they're normal), find the CheydinhalChapelofArkay cell, find the NPC povssmarvomage there (reference ID povssmarvonewref), double click on him and UNtick the 'disabled by default' checkbox. I'll see if I can find out what went wrong.
I too wish I could have turned down the Helvo Atius Quest.
I know, the next version will add the option to turn down all the quests that I forgot to give that option to.
I tried to find everyone and talk to them and then search their homes (by B&E - very uncharacteristic of my character, but i got so that I wanted to know). Seemed it would not progress no matter how many of the suspect books I found.
I'll have a look.
New rumours are nice and funny, but most of them would be better if they were separated in two lines instead of tucked all in one.
With the way rumours are handled by the game this is (annoyingly) not possible. I had to put them all in one line.
What do i do after I get the note which says "Veyond" from a house in Leyawiin? Im completely stuck and I've been through the whole ruin twice....
The chest you need to find is in Veyond Mathmalatu (second level of Veyond). It's in a room near the door leading to the third level, Veyond Bangrara
ok, it seems povuholo is pretty busy so I am posting my question here:
I am doing the "where did I put it" quest in Anvil and I 've searched all of the town houses (except Benirus Manor - I ve not done that quest yet) but the castle mage's book seems to be nowhere...
any hints pls?
It's in the house of
I'm still working on the new quests. Malchik just finished writing one of the last quests,
Death and the Maiden, dealing with a possible conspiracy surrounding the mysterious death of the countess of Cheydinhal. Did she really just fall down the stairs as rumoured in the game? :ninja: