Thankyou, are there a way to let Tinman survive?
Happy birthmonth Kragenir's Death Quest! :celebration:
This month it is exactly 3 years ago that this project got started. So I think a little history lesson is in order! You are allowed to yawn or skip.
The project started in October 2006. Malchik, who also tested my first Oblivion mod Quest for the Elements and a small mod for Morrowind, said he had a good idea for a humoristic quest mod for Oblivion. Meanwhile, I was toying with the idea of a quest mod involving a bunch of Sheogorath worshippers living in a seperate plane created by Sheogorath, because they wanted to be left alone. There would be a village with all sorts of crazy people. The story would be about how Sheogorath is toying with them on this plane and that they want to get out. I had quite a few ideas but it's all very vague now. Luckily Malchik convinced me to start Kragenir's Death Quest (back then known under the WIP name 'Seven' between us) instead, because several months later Shivering Isles was announced!
We first announced the project in early April 2007, as seen I must've rewritten that first post a dozen times. We first estimated that there would be around 40 quests (which, in the way that that was calculated, is 169 now) , which would be the main quest and nothing else. Around the time that I was finishing the Rainbow color part of the mod and started working on the Deadly Sins Malchik told me his intentions with the quest mod: Making Cyrodiil a more interesting place.
Too many NPCs had nothing to say, too many dungeons had nothing of interest in them and there were several things like the rumoured not-so-accidental demise of the Cheydinhal countess, the Orum Gang and the Black Horse Courier which Betheseda didn't do much with. So while I was working on the main quest Malchik started writing quests for each city and village.
The project was kinda getting out of control. Malchik came with the idea of rural dialogue additions for NPCs and new books. Several more quests were written. Even a month before the release Malchik came with two new quests, dealing with certain characters from the main quest after the main quest is done.
Had I known in advance that I would be working on this project for 2 years and 10 months I would never have started it. And sometimes it wasn't fun, when things just didn't want to work (The whole 'mirror on the wall' thing in Shield of Pride comes to mind) but it was always very satisfying to see it working in the end. Also because we kept adding things over time instead of starting out with so many quests left to add it never felt like we were far away from release.
Anyway that's that. No more history, time for the future!
These are the quests that will be added in the big update:
Anvil: Sounds of Sweetest Harmony: Composer Jesan sixtius is looking for the music notes for the Cliff Racer Song.
Bravil: Off the record: The Fighter's Guild is looking for someone to do some small jobs. Being a member is not required.
Bruma: Out of Control: Olfand needs some help with his wife.
Cheydinhal: A Dyeing Wish: is looking for a rare red dye for her hair.
Chorrol: Rich pickings: Extra missions for the Thieves Guild given by Glistel. (membership required).
Leyawiin: Killing the Queen: Rats are infesting Leyawiin. Unfortunately for them the Leyawiin citizens don't like rats as much as Arvena Thelas does.
Skingrad: Party Time: Some of the orcs in Skingrad are interested in forming an Orc Social Club. Of course they love to leave most the organising up to you, but the payment is good.
Other:The Cluttermonkeys: This small guild,, has come to Cyrodiil to do what they like to do best: Gather (usually worthless) clutter. Will you be able to rise through the ranks in the Cluttermonkey Guild to become the Champion of Clutter?
Do you even want to?
Death and the Maiden: Lady Llathasa Indarys, wife of Andel Indarys, died when she fell down the stairs in the Cheydinhal County Hall one day. It is rumoured however that the count may have something to do with it. Can you find out what really happened?
Progress is slow, but steady. But I have no idea when this'll be done. Right now the Anvil quest is done and I'm halfway through the Bravil quest.
Povuholo :foodndrink: