Some quests overlap a little bit in that area (like the general collecting the seals quest vs the rainbow quest) so I have some unused journal entries here and there. But 1/3 is a bit much. Could you give a few examples of journal entries you didn't get?
If you're looking for the Brindle Home location, it's on the
Off to bed in a few minutes...
Hello! Again, this mod rocks, modulo a few tiny issues. In my case, the dialog gets shown, but it just isn't entered into the journal. A few that stick out:
For Ilpanderin's "Blue" quest, I was told to see Kantav Cheynoslin (60), but nothing else until I discovered that the secret is mystery (69, missing entries 61, 62, 64-6, and 68).
When questing for the Sunbird Feathers, I got the entry to see Countess Umbranox (15), but not about the Gottshaw Inn (17), A. Blakely (18), anything about the soup kitchen (19, 20, 21, 22, 25), or having shown the feather to Marana Rian (27).
Similarly, for the potion of Cure Drunkenness, I got the entry to go to the Five Claws (10) and the "murderous thugs" (22), but nothing about Juliette Capulette (11, 15), the wild goose chase (20); I got half the entries for Violetta Phillida -- nothing about going to Fort Coldcorn with her (24) or talking to Robin (26), but I did get the other two about her fate (28, 30).
I wonder if it's not just upgrading... ISTR upgrading from 1.04 to 1.04a around the time of the "Blue" quest, and to 1.05 for the final two ingredients, but many of the Snow White quest entries are unfamiliar. Ah well, plenty of fun anyway. ty