The initial Spoiler for Larrian's Diary: Reword to "I can't find the diary."
Added help for finding Rainbow Slaughterfish: Use "Detect Life"
Dealt with these already.
Gauntlets of Causistry: Problem with the html tag layout
The link to the video is visible right away I see, but otherwise it's fine. I don't know if anything can be done about the link but just the word 'video' won't spoil anything so I'll just leave it like that.
I had a problem with the first diary page disappearing (in the game.) Could it be from picking them up out of order?
Good theory, I'll investigate.
Greed: Summoning ghosts. I found positioning at the site to be finicky.You might want to add something like: "If it doesn't appear, move around and try again."
It should be easier as of V2.0 but maybe I'll add that.
The Sword of the Jedd Eye: Okay this is a nit, but Charcoal is black and there is a cave called Grayrock (BTW 'gray' is the spelling used in the game) there is also Smoke Hole and, by a stretch, Underpall. Perhaps a different clue? "A cave you seek. Campfire is out and embers cold and dark."
Well the riddle in the spoiler file is a shortened version of the full riddle (It just says 'A cave you seek, its colour grey') but the full riddle is:
A cave you seek, its colour grey
Wood burned without air goes this way
Two cities it lies in between
Along the road that rhymes with 'mean'.
So I think that with the full riddle it should be clear enough.
Querulus Mona's belongings: For consistency, put "(Ceyatatar)" in the first spoiler.
In my page the links to The Tower and Sword of the Jedd Eye are improperly referenced and broken.
Thanks, fixed.
Are you going to add information for all the other quests? If you're not, I'd suggest removing the links. I put them all in to save you time, but you can probably remove most of them.
I'm not adding info for all quests so yeah I'll remove them.
You forgot to delete "Insert quests here (examples below)." under Quest Information.

All the "xxx quests" headers on the table should be "colspan = 5" not "4". (Yeah, that's my fault.)
What exactly does this do? Maybe I overlooked it but I didn't see much of a difference.
The info on Heinz Bluebeard isn't spoilered.
Tension in Town says "I just started this quest and I need to talk to a large number of people. talk to a number of people."
Found those already, thanks.
For Kicking the Habit, on the table, "An Only Child" isn't noted as being a KDQ quest.
Ah too many quotes!