the book Mysticism which you have to get at the end of Seal 2: it turns out that another mod (book jackets? Cobl? OOO?) has been adding a "mysticism" book with a different ID, so Ilpanderin wouldn't recognize it, and I had to add the right one through console. Obviously not a bug, and I don't know if you can do anything about it, but i thought I'd mention it since other people might run into the same problem.
That one is news to me. I'll see if I can do anything about it.
On a sidenote, I'm doing the "just desserts" quest right now, and I can't find Salomon Geonette's wife, neither in the IC, nor in Anvil. Is she likely to die also?
Wow, now that's a quest that hasn't been on my mind for ages. I actually don't remember if I improved it in any way since 1.06... It does seem to have a whole lot of quest markers but I don't know if those are new.
Travelling between the IC and Anvil isn't exactly safe, so there's a chance Renee Geonette was killed. I checked my script that sets a number of NPCs essential and Renee Geonette does not seem to be one of them, so she could be dead. I'll make sure she's essential after the update.
You know now that you mention it, i do remember one time i had to go into the CS and manually uncheck the spectral slaughterfish's 'initially disabled' marker ( i also placed a second one since i couldn't find the first).... i thought i had followed all the instructions, and i had all the items required (also worn where required and whatnot)... the quest was updated to the right point ( i think ), but i just couldn't find him..... it might have been because i was using 1.5 (im not sure exactly what version it was then though)...
There's now a quest marker pointing at the slaughterfish is so you know where to drop the ring. I think there's also a confirming message if you dropped it at the right place.
BUT i did notice that, at the time at least, it was underneath the landscape in the CS if you also had UL beaches of cyrodiil running. Just pointin that out.
I noticed, that's what the compatibility patch is for.

I just fixed the problem with the rumor topic of M'aiq and Lucien Lachance. That was easier than I thought!