I'm completely stuck. I'm at the part where Sleepy is sleeping in front of the door. I believe I have all the ingredients as I've grabbed everything in the entire house, etc. Two things I can't find is the mortar and pestle and a glass of water. Is it any mortar and pestle or a specific one/ Where are they?
Do I actually have to make the potion? I've never even done that before and it doesn't seem to let me add all the ingredients together.
Or can you give me the quest name and stage to advance past this? I read the hints doc and there's nothing about this.
Are you using V1.05? The missing mortar & pestle was fixed in V1.06 (though with all the reports still coming in I'd better check that). Note that if you upgrade to 1.06 after having been told to gather the ingredients it won't fix the problem. Either way you can use this console command:
setstage povssquestdwarven 82
(EDIT: 82 not 83!)To trigger the stage which should've been triggered, which makes the mortar & pestle appear on a table which has several ingredients on it. Of course it's possible that you simply missed it.
You don't actually have to mix the ingredients. The mortar & pestle is actually scripted to automatically create the potion once you have everything you need.
Thorbin is right about the mug.

Edit: Okay, I finally understand what went wrong with the mortar & pestle. I did not fix it in 1.06. It'll be fixed for sure in the next update. :facepalm:
It bugs me that this means that the beginning of the main quest is technically not working now without the console command, but with all the new quests only implemented partially I can't really release a bugfixing update.