[Relz] Kragenir's Death Quest (Thread #4)

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:25 am

I am having trouble finding Violetta Philidia (doing the final quest for the second seal). Who do I need to ask in Bravil?

EDIT: Never mind. While playing Oblivion after posting this, who should I run into but
Heinz Bluebeard, in Bravil (the very NPC I needed to talk to).

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Jeff Turner
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:40 pm

I'm hung up finishing up the boots of sloth. Pitin has not returned to the tree south of the fort. Will he return? I've waited quite awhile and combed the countryside. Can you send his BaseID so I can use the console player.placeatme command to get him backor will that work ?
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Beulah Bell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:42 pm


there are sites containing the BaseIDs of NPCs (if I am not wrong, try UESP Wiki typing the name of the missing NPC) - yes it should work


I activated the "one ring" quest and got the quest update >>"...perhaps I should ask sister Phebe about it".

who and where is she?


I am doing the "vamp rising" quest. Beautiful integration of vanilla locations and quests...

cheers :foodndrink:
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Len swann
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:16 am

Sorry for the late response, I've been rather busy.
Im having some problems finding the Indigo amulet at fort scinia i have scoured the place many times and i cant find it...

Any help would be apreciated =]

It's on the first level of the dungeon, somewhere at a dead end. Just before you get there there's also a grate in the floor which breaks and makes you fall down if you walk over it.

I'm hung up finishing up the boots of sloth. Pitin has not returned to the tree south of the fort. Will he return? I've waited quite awhile and combed the countryside. Can you send his BaseID so I can use the console player.placeatme command to get him backor will that work ?

Well I assume that if you saw him at the tree before that you have talked to him? After you've talked to him he should go to Gimlet's bar. If he's not there you can use the following console command to teleport to Pipit:

player.moveto XX036278

Where XX needs to be replaced by the load order number. You can check it in Wrye bash or by taking the first two characters of the ID that pops up when you click on an object from Kragenir's Death Quest with the console (like an NPC in Gimlet's bar). I assume that doing it the other way around (XX036278.moveto player) works as well.
I activated the "one ring" quest and got the quest update >>"...perhaps I should ask sister Phebe about it".

From the book: [i]Anyone interested in learning more of Saurian Sid should speak with sister Phebe Jeanard at Gottlesfont Priory.

It lies to the west of the Imperial City and to the north east of Skingrad. It should be on your map already.

EDIT: It's not, actually. I'll fix it and add the information to the journal entry for the update. http://www.uesp.net/maps/obmap/obmap.shtml?locx=-43211&locy=44170&zoom=11&search=gottlesfont
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Veronica Flores
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:39 am

I am on the cards/chest of wonder quest, spoiler
I am in whitmond farm, have the chest in my sights

the chest shows unlocked, when I open it the inventory shows, I can scroll up and down through it, but can't take anything. There is also a message sticking out from behind the inventory screen that I am pretty sure says I have opened the chest with the small burnished key. I am guessing since both screens pop up at the same time, that is what is locking it up. I also can't exit these screens without hitting escape and reloading.
It is the last card! Please help!
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Brandi Norton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:20 am

I confirmed that bug a couple of weeks ago, it'll be fixed in the next version. The script on the chest has a mistake in it, sorry.

You could try clicking on it with the console and typing 'activate', because along with the card there are some other useful (but not quest related) items in it. I'm not sure if it works, I have fixed it in my current version so I can't check it myself. If you know how to use the construction set you could also find 'povsswondercard7chestREAL' under containers and remove the script that's on it (by selecting 'NONE').

If that's not working here's the console command to get the card that's in the chest (but you'll miss out on some potions and scrolls):

player.additem XX05AF2B 1

Where XX needs to be replaced by the load order number. You can check it in Wrye bash or by taking the first two characters of the ID that pops up when you click on an object from Kragenir's Death Quest with the console (like the chest you can't open now).
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GabiiE Liiziiouz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:16 am

I swear...two of the best modders are from the Netherlands. They must grow by the dozen there.
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Andres Lechuga
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:07 am

thanks a bunch povu :foodndrink:

I am currently searching the sewers for the scroll...

Vamp rising is a questline in itself :bowdown:
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Samantha Mitchell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:26 am

I swear...two of the best modders are from the Netherlands. They must grow by the dozen there.

Which one is that?

I know there's Thommy who mods Morrowind and old_andy is working with Fallout 3. Did you mean either of these, or did I forget someone from Oblivion? :)
Vamp rising is a questline in itself :bowdown:

Yeah it's one of the longest miscellaneous quests we've done and one of my favourites. I'd say that the Death and the Maiden quest in the upcoming update is around equally long. :)
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Breanna Van Dijk
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:15 pm

I'm completely stuck. I'm at the part where Sleepy is sleeping in front of the door. I believe I have all the ingredients as I've grabbed everything in the entire house, etc. Two things I can't find is the mortar and pestle and a glass of water. Is it any mortar and pestle or a specific one/ Where are they?

Do I actually have to make the potion? I've never even done that before and it doesn't seem to let me add all the ingredients together.

Or can you give me the quest name and stage to advance past this? I read the hints doc and there's nothing about this.
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josie treuberg
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:35 pm

Look for a 'mug of water' in the cabin. It should be on the table. The mortar and pestle should be in the mine (look for a table to the left of Sleepy's pallet, which has alchemical ingredients on top).
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lillian luna
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:56 am

I'm completely stuck. I'm at the part where Sleepy is sleeping in front of the door. I believe I have all the ingredients as I've grabbed everything in the entire house, etc. Two things I can't find is the mortar and pestle and a glass of water. Is it any mortar and pestle or a specific one/ Where are they?

Do I actually have to make the potion? I've never even done that before and it doesn't seem to let me add all the ingredients together.

Or can you give me the quest name and stage to advance past this? I read the hints doc and there's nothing about this.

Are you using V1.05? The missing mortar & pestle was fixed in V1.06 (though with all the reports still coming in I'd better check that). Note that if you upgrade to 1.06 after having been told to gather the ingredients it won't fix the problem. Either way you can use this console command:

setstage povssquestdwarven 82

(EDIT: 82 not 83!)

To trigger the stage which should've been triggered, which makes the mortar & pestle appear on a table which has several ingredients on it. Of course it's possible that you simply missed it.

You don't actually have to mix the ingredients. The mortar & pestle is actually scripted to automatically create the potion once you have everything you need.

Thorbin is right about the mug. :)

Edit: Okay, I finally understand what went wrong with the mortar & pestle. I did not fix it in 1.06. It'll be fixed for sure in the next update. :facepalm:

It bugs me that this means that the beginning of the main quest is technically not working now without the console command, but with all the new quests only implemented partially I can't really release a bugfixing update.
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Russell Davies
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:03 pm

Sorry to report the news. :chaos:

Thanks for the command!
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Jade Payton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:05 pm

Actually I think I've figured out a way to upload the fix without causing any problems. In fact I'll upload it today.

edit: Done.

1.06 HOTFIX is now available!


Hotfix 13/12/09:

-Fixed the problem with Doc's missing mortar & pestle. Use the console command ' setstage povssquestdwarven 82' if you are already experiencing this problem, otherwise it won't be fixed.

-Disables an unfinished quest from the upcoming content update.

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Katie Louise Ingram
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:45 pm

That worked perfectly. I downloaded the patch and did a full reload of the eso.
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Bee Baby
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:53 am

That worked perfectly. I downloaded the patch and did a full reload of the eso.

I just downloaded the patch (twice) and both times got "invalid rar file" when I attempted to unpack the patch. I'm using zipgenius which has worked fine for months (including yesterday). Can anyone tell me if they have successfully unpacked the rar file?

Great mod, by the way. And thanks for putting all the work into doing it (and supporting it : )

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Mélida Brunet
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:26 pm

I have, using the Dallas (TX) server.
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Sierra Ritsuka
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:33 pm

I have, using the Dallas (TX) server.

OK. That's the same server I use. I just downloaded a UL 7z file from the Dallas server and unzipped it with no problems using my zip genius app. Strange.

Oh, well, I'll download it again and see what happens. I've been downloading rar files and unzipping them also with no problems. The service does seem a little slower today. Maybe something going on that's corrupting the file by the time I get it?

Well, no problem. I'll just keep trying.


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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:11 pm

The patch works too, I did a full reload and ran up to the stage I was stuck at and everything worked wonderfully. Good luck!

The patch should just be the esp file but I downloaded/installed the main file and then downloaded/installed the patch, just to make sure.
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Dan Endacott
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:11 pm

The patch works too, I did a full reload and ran up to the stage I was stuck at and everything worked wonderfully. Good luck!

The patch should just be the esp file but I downloaded/installed the main file and then downloaded/installed the patch, just to make sure.

Hmmmm. I have no problem opening up rar files that I have downloaded before today. Including Kragenir's OMOD rar file that I downloaded a while back.

As a test, I just downloaded (from Dallas), Luchiars (sp) body seam reducer. It's a RAR file. I had no problem opening it with Zipgenius.

But, as another test, I just downloaded Kragenir's main file from Nexus and his patch from Fileplanet. I can open neither of them.

So, pretty strange behavior. I'll update Zipgenius in case Kragnir's needs a newer version (although like I said, I have no problem opening his original that I downloaded last month). But, you never know with computers : )


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Britney Lopez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:32 pm


Well, fixed the problem.

First I updated Zipgenius (it was pretty out of date). However, that did not fix the problem. Still would not open Kragenirs rar files.

Then I installed WinRar. That had no problem opening Kragenir's rar file that zipgenius couldn't open.

So, guess I'll use WinRar for now.


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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:58 am

Well I did update to the latest version of WinRar myself recently, perhaps that had something to do with it.
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Hella Beast
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:41 pm

I always use WinRar.
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Setal Vara
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:20 pm

I'm currently using v1.01 and Kragenir's Death Silent Voice Addon 1.0. If I want to update it to v1.06, can I still use the same silent voice addon? or there's also an update for it?
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Kelly Osbourne Kelly
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:57 pm

I have not updated the silent voice download and I wasn't planning to update it either.

If you use the silent voice download for anything other than 1.0 or 1.01 there are bound to be some lines that aren't slowed, especially rumours.

There are several good (better) alternatives for slowing down the dialogue (Using the OMOD version, the OBSE plugin, or generating it with TES4Gecko) and having to update it for almost every update (And having people download several hundred MB's worth of silent mp3s every time) would be annoying. I'm removing the downloadable silent mp3 method from the text file in the future as it's not really a good way of handling it and I'm sure everyone can get at least 1 of the better methods to work. :)

Either way updating to 1.06 (and don't forget the hotfix if you haven't started the main quest yet) is highly recommended because a lot was fixed. And there's an extra book! :P
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