Yeah...the one that will fix the main quest for me!!!!!! So I can get back at it!!!!!
Did you try Phoenix's suggestion? Click on anything of which you're sure is from KDQ (Like the dwarven house) with the console and look at the first two letters of the ID that appears at the top of your screen. Take those first two letters and replace the X's in the console command with them:
player.moveto XX001226
BTW this is currently the changelog of the version I'm working on right now:
-NEW QUESTS: 'Sounds of Sweetest Harmony', 'Off the record', 'Out of Control', 'A Dyeing Wish', 'Rich Pickings',
'Killing the Queen', 'Party Time', 'The Cluttermonkeys', 'Death and the Maiden'.
-Rumours added by the mod will no longer be told in the Shivering Isles.
-Added the first journal entry for the Aleswell quest which mysteriously disappeared...
-Added the possibility to refuse many of the miscellaneous quests.
-Sneezy will now return to his original position in front of the door if he's ever distracted by nearby hostile creatures.
-Problem fixed with Doc not moving to the new house when he is supposed to.
-NPC Optimisation: Unimportant A.I. schedules are no longer processed in the background if the player isn't there to see it. May prevent what is known as 'A.I. overload'.
-Further optimized the script that runs the first time a save file is loaded with this mod active.
-Made sure that every time Ilplanderin 'moves' to a new location he can no longer be found in his previous location.
-Many 'Baby Sitting' quest improvements. Better directions, Jhared Strongblade is stronger and will also 'repair' his weapon and armor after each dungeon you clear with him.
-Fixed a problem with opening a chest in Whitmond Farm.
-Fixed the broken conversation at the end of the On The Waterfront quest if the player decides to use Isleif's inscription for the grave.
-Removed a duplicate journal entry in the Pass the Bottle quest.
-Removed the unnecessary extra map marker at Cadlew Priory.
-Moved a letter related to Stantus Varrid slightly so that it is no longer covered by a book for people using OOO.
-Removed the pointless nameless naked Dark Elf near Kragenir's Tower.
To do:
Documents quest and chest/cards of wonders quest improvements
Daedra Zoo being open at all times
A conversation with the vampire during Vampire Rising.
Additional NPCs to set essential: Rena bruiant, carmen litte, Gerich Senanel and Humilis, Astinia Atius, voranil, glistel
The new quests aren't actually done yet but I'm making progress.