Krautgaming article of Skyrim @ Gamescom

Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 2:09 am

If posted already, please let me know and I will deal with it :)

Of course, online translating is not the greatest thing in the world so expect some..."errors"

Also I didn't want to put anything new/interesting because translations can get worded wrong...

Rollenspielfans dürften sich vor allem ein Spiel auf der gamescom 2011 gefreut haben. Die Rede ist natürlich – wie k?nnte es anders sein – von The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Im riesigen Bethesda Kino konnten wir uns die Pr?sentation zum fünften Teil der Erfolgsserie ansehen und so weitere Eindrücke von dem Spiel gewinnen.

W?hrend sich die meisten RPG-Konkurrenten lieber online tummeln gibt es kaum noch gute Singleplayerrollenspiele. Doch bleibt sich The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim den Prinzipien der Reihe treu und konzentriert sich einzig und allein auf ein gutes Einzelspielererlebnis. Wir haben uns die circa 40-minütige Pr?sentation auf der gamescom 2011 angeschaut und verraten euch, ob Skyrim dem mittlerweile immensen Hype gerecht wird.
Comic-Look – Top oder Flop?

Der fünfte Teil der Elder Scrolls Reihe spielt in Skyrim, der Heimat der Nord. Dabei handelt es sich um eine sehr bergige und vor allem wei?e Gegend, denn der Schnee dominiert weite Teile des Landschaftsbilds. Wenn wir schon gerade bei dem Aussehen des Spiels sind, f?llt relativ deutlich auf, dass sich auch Skyrim dem aktuellen Trend in Richtung Comic-Look nicht widersetzen kann und zwar nicht stark, aber durchaus deutlich sichtbar in eben diese Richtung geht. Natürlich ist Skyrim nicht bunt wie ein Marvel-Comic aber irgendwie passt es nicht. Denn obwohl die Reihe schon immer in Fantasybereich angesiedelt war, wurde dennoch immer Wert auch einen relativ hohen Realismusgrad gelegt. Und eben dieser geht mit dem neuen Look etwas fl?ten, leider. Auch wenn der Punkt vielleicht etwas haarspalterisch wirkt und viele der neue Stil in keinster Weise st?rt, gibt es sicherlich den ein oder anderen Fan, den genau diese Tatsache an Skyrim st?ren wird.
Mehr Waffen, mehr Zauber, mehr M?glichkeiten

Aber genug gemeckert, denn Skyrim ist und bleibt ein hervorragendes Rollenspiel mit durchaus interessanten Neuerungen. Die auffallendste ist sicherlich die M?glichkeit, dass man nun zwei Waffen gleichzeitig ausrüsten kann. Und dabei spielt es keine Rolle ob ihr nun zwei Waffen, eine Waffe und einen Schild, eine Waffe und einen Zauber oder sogar zwei Zauber gleichzeitig kombienieren wollt – in Skyrim ist alles m?glich. Dabei k?nnt ihr beide H?nde komplett getrennt voneinander einzeln steuern und habt somit eine gro?e Auswahl an Taktiken und M?glichkeiten. Wer den Rambo spielen will und wie bl?de Schaden austeilen will, der schnappt sich zwei Waffen und schl?gt damit wild um sich. Wer seine Gegner aber lieber vorher aus sicherer Entfernung schw?chen will, der friert sie beispielsweise vorher ein und l?sst die Axt den Rest erledigen. Sehr cool ist auch die M?glichkeit, zwei Zauber zu kombinieren, um so einen noch m?chtigere Attake auszuführen.

Wenn wir schon bei m?chtigen Zaubern sind, dann dürfen die sogenannten Schreie natürlich nicht vergessen werden. Im Verlauf des Spiels findet ihr Inschriften, die euch eine gewisse Art des Schreies erlernen lassen. Au?erdem bekommt ihr dieses Wissen auch, wenn ihr einen Drachen t?tet und dessen Seele in euch aufnehmt. Bei den Schreien gibt es die verschiedensten Elemente wie Feuer, Wasser, Furcht und so weiter. Doch ein einzelner Schrei bewirkt noch relativ wenig, erst in Kombination mit mehreren Elementen lassen sich m?chtige Zauber wie das Herbeirufen eines Gewitters ausführen.

Welche Macht so ein Schrei besitzt wurde eindrucksvoll im Kampf gegen einen Drachen unter Beweis gestellt. Denn nachdem ihr den Eisdrachen soweit mit Pfeil und Bogen geschw?cht habt beschw?rt ihr eben erw?hntes Gewitter herbei. Der Drache wird dabei so verwirrt und beim Fliegen gest?rt dass er abstürtzt und für euch zur leichten Beute wird. Sobald das Monstrum vor euch auf dem Boden liegt ist die Sache gelaufen und ihr k?nnt eine weitere Drachenseele in euch aufnehmen.
Das gibt es sonst noch Neues

Damit verlassen wir auch das Kampfsystem und wenden uns den anderen ?nderungen zu. W?hrend in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion das Spiel noch jedes Mal pausiert wurde, sobald ein Dialog startete, sind diese nun dynamisch ins Geschehen implementiert. Auch in Skyrim soll selbstverst?ndlich wieder eine lebendige und glaubhafte Welt entstehen. Deshalb hat jeder Bewohner einen eigenen Beruf und geht diesem auch Tag für Tag nach. Eine weitere sehr coole Neuerung ist die Karte. Nicht die Tatsache, dass es eine gibt natürlich, sondern die Aufmachung eben dieser. Wenn ihr euch nicht mehr auskennt oder den besten Weg zu Punkt A finden woll zoomt die Karte einfach aus der Landschaft raus und ihr k?nnt euch so eine sehr realistisch wirkenden Eindruck und überblick eurer Umgebung verschaffen. Das sieht nicht nur verdammt gut aus sondern ist wohl auch noch die beste Art eine Karte zu pr?sentieren.
Man muss das Rad nicht immer neu erfinden

Das gr??te Unterscheidungsmerkmal von der Elder Scrolls Reihe gegenüber anderen Genrevertretern war das Aufstiegssystem. Ihr bekommt auch in Skyrim keinerlei Erfahrungspunkte und k?nnt eure Skills also nicht bei jedem Levelaufstieg erh?hen. Es bleibt alles beim alten und ihr verbessert eure F?higkeiten einfach dadurch, dass ihr sie verwendet. Ihr werdet nicht von Anfang an in eine Krieger-, Magier- oder sonstige Schiene gesteckt, euer Charakter passt sich automatisch euren Gewohnheiten an. Wenn ihr zum Beispiel viele Feuerb?lle beschw?rt werden diese nach einer gewissen Zeit automatisch besser und verursachen mehr Schaden. Aber auch alle anderen Fertigkeiten wie der Umgang mit verschiedenen Waffen, die F?higkeit zu Schleichen oder auch das Blocken wird umso besser, je ?fter ihr es verwendet. Skyrim macht also nicht alles neu, warum sollte man auch ein altbew?hrtes System über Board werfen?

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim ist ein hervorragendes Rollenspiel – keine Frage. Auch wenn man zahlreiche durchaus wertvolle und gute Neuerungen eingebaut hat, ist davon leider doch nichts dabei, was man nicht so oder so ?hnlich schonmal in anderen Spielen gesehen h?tte. Skyrim wird Spa? machen und uns viele Stunden vor dem Bildschirm fesseln, daran gibt es nichts zu rütteln. Doch der Hype um das Spiel scheint etwas unbegründet, denn wirklich was neues macht Skyrim leider nicht.
(Arne Simmich)

RPG fans are likely to have particularly enjoyed a game at gamescom 2011th The speech is, of course - how could it be otherwise - The Elder Scrolls V: The Old Republic. In Bethesda huge cinema we could look at the presentation for the fifth part of the successful series and gain more impressions of the game.

While most competitors prefer online RPG romp, there are hardly any good single player RPGs. Yet still The Elder Scrolls V: The Old Republic to the principles and true to the series focuses strictly and solely on a good single player experience. We have looked at the approximately 40-minute presentation at gamescom 2011 and tell you whether Skyrim the now immense hype expectations.
Comic book style - top or flop?

The fifth part of the Elder Scrolls series played in Hot Pursuit, home of the North. It is a very mountainous and mainly white area, because the snow dominated large parts of the landscape. If we have the game already just for the looks, is relatively clear that even Skyrim the current trend towards comic book look and can not resist not strong, but quite clearly visible just goes in that direction. Of course, Skyrim not as colorful as a Marvel comic, but somehow it does not fit. For although the series has always been based in fantasy area, but was also always placed a relatively high degree of realism. And this same goes with the new look a little whistle, unfortunately. Even if the point maybe a little hair-splitting effect and interferes with many of the new style in any way, there are certainly one or the other fan, which is exactly this fact to interfere Skyrim.
More weapons, more spells, more possibilities

But enough [censored]ing, because Skyrim is and remains an excellent role game with very interesting innovations. The most striking is certainly the possibility that you can now equip two weapons at once. And it does not matter whether you want kombienieren now have two weapons, a weapon and a shield, a weapon and a magic spell or even two at once - everything is possible in Hot Pursuit. Here you can control both hands completely separated from each other individually and thus have a wide range of tactics and options. Who wants to play Rambo and wants to dish out damage as stupid, grabs the two arms and swings it around wildly. Who wants to advance his opponents but rather to weaken from a safe distance, she freezes for example, a before and can do the rest of the ax. Very cool is also the opportunity to combine two spells in order to perform an even more powerful Attak.

When we're on the mighty spells, then the so-called screams can not be forgotten. During the game you find inscriptions that you can learn a certain kind of cry. Also, you get this knowledge even if you kill a dragon and ingest their soul in you. When the screaming, there are various elements like fire, water, fear and so on. But a single cry cause relatively little, only in combination with several elements can be performed powerful magic as the summoning of a thunderstorm.

What kind of power that has one cry was impressively in the fight against a dragon to prove. Because after you've far weakened the ice dragon with bow and arrow, mentioned it conjures up just bringing thunderstorms. The dragon is in such a confused and disturbed when he flies and crashes will be easy prey for you. Once the monster is in front of you on the floor and the thing is gone you can take another dragon soul in you.
The else is new

We also leave the combat system and turn to the other changes. While in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, the game was paused every time when a dialogue started, they are now dynamically implement the action. Also in Skyrim will arise naturally again a vivid and believable world. Therefore, each resident has their own work and this also goes to every day. Another very cool feature is the map. Not the fact that there is one, of course, but the presentation of that State. If you are not familiar or more of the best way to point A, the map zooms simply wanted to find out from the landscape and you can give such a very realistic impression and overview of your surroundings. That does not just look good but is probably still the best way to present a card.
You do not always reinvent the wheel

The most distinctive feature of the Elder Scrolls series against representatives of different genre was the rise of system. You get no experience points in Skyrim and can not therefore increase your skills at every level rise. Everything stays the same and it improves your skills simply by having her use them. You will not initially put in a warrior, magician or other rail, your character automatically adjusts to your habits. If, for example, many fireballs will summon them after a certain time automatically better and cause more damage. But all other skills such as dealing with various weapons, the ability to crawl or even blocking is better, the more often it uses its. Skyrim not make everything new, why would you throw even a well-tried system board?

The Elder Scrolls V: The Old Republic is an excellent role-playing game - no question. Even if you have installed many new features is quite useful and good, but it unfortunately nothing of what you would not have or something like that already seen in other games. Skyrim will be fun and captivate us many hours in front of the screen, because there is nothing to shake. But the hype surrounding the game seems somewhat misplaced, because really what makes Skyrim not new unfortunately.
(Arne Simmich)

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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 1:39 am

lol.... the old republic.
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:14 am

good read, thanks!
though the author is more than a bit confused about what game he's watching :teehee:
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 2:32 am

lol.... the old republic.

Well, the empire IS old and...republic-y :frog:
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Lori Joe
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 4:47 pm

good read, thanks!
though the author is more than a bit confused about what game he's watching :teehee:

Rollenspielfans dürften sich vor allem ein Spiel auf der gamescom 2011 gefreut haben. Die Rede ist natürlich – wie k?nnte es anders sein – von The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

No, Google Translate is apparently a subtle troll/Bioware fan.
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 2:10 pm

A rather good read, though I can't wait to read thier article on Star Wars: Skyrim...
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:54 pm

I also found a Japanese interview (Gamespark) but did this instead because when I put the other one in translate, it was a mess!
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Nick Swan
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 2:09 pm

Doesn't sound like he liked it much going by that translation.
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Brιonα Renae
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:01 pm

In Germany Skyrim is every single game. Its Need for Speed, Star Wars, and WoW all rolled into one.
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 5:22 am

the first overall negative preview of skyrim. ive read
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Elle H
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 1:55 pm

]Is this....some kind of joke?

I know it's a translation, but Skyrim: The Old Republic?

Epic fail by krautgaming.

Weird translation, not the mags fault.
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 11:26 am

Doesn't sound like he liked it much going by that translation.

Looks like it...

the first overall negative preview of skyrim. ive read

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David Chambers
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 5:22 pm

This interview is crap, I mean, real crap.
-Comic Look
-Nothing we didn't have seen in another game before
-dragon gets confused by the storm so that he goes down

The last sentence:
Doch der Hype um das Spiel scheint etwas unbegründet, denn wirklich was neues macht Skyrim leider nicht.
The hype seems to be a bit unfounded, cause there is nothing real new in skyrim.

I'm getting angry by reading this ...
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April D. F
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:55 am

When I put Skyrim in the Google translator it says Hot Pursuit. And V:Skyrim says Three Kingdoms. For others it has given Cataclysm and this time it's The Old Republic! It's insanity I tell you!

But yeah a weird preview to be honest. Not just because it's a bit negative but it claims some odd things. For example they say the game is showing some characteristics of a comic book style? Really? I don't see where they're getting that from. Overall I wouldn't say it's a negative preview at all by the way. They're just saying it may be a bit overhyped but still is going to be a good game and RPG.
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Toby Green
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:42 pm

This interview is crap, I mean, real crap.
-Comic Look
-Nothing we didn't have seen in another game before
-dragon gets confused by the storm so that he goes down

The last sentence:
Doch der Hype um das Spiel scheint etwas unbegründet, denn wirklich was neues macht Skyrim leider nicht.
The hype seems to be a bit unfounded, cause there is nothing real new in skyrim.

I'm getting angry by reading this ...

Don't read too much into his negativity. Probably just some moron who can't tell a great open world game 'cause he spends too much time with CoD-like shooters :facepalm:
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Taylrea Teodor
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 1:04 pm

This interview is crap, I mean, real crap.
-Comic Look
-Nothing we didn't have seen in another game before
-dragon gets confused by the storm so that he goes down

The last sentence:
Doch der Hype um das Spiel scheint etwas unbegründet, denn wirklich was neues macht Skyrim leider nicht.
The hype seems to be a bit unfounded, cause there is nothing real new in skyrim.

I'm getting angry by reading this ...

Why get angry?
His opinion. He played the game.

Others who've also played the game think differently.

No harm done.
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Darrell Fawcett
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 3:29 pm

It makes perfect sense that when you attempt to translate a word that has no meaning, and is not in the dictionary, Skyrim, into another language, that it just gives you the next thing it knows is related to it. So you get an expansion pack for WoW, or a Bioware RPG. They are often mentioned in conjunction I would say.
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cheryl wright
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:26 am

Don't read too much into his negativity. Probably just some moron who can't tell a great open world game 'cause he spends too much time with CoD-like shooters :facepalm:

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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 5:46 am


Google translator at its best...

But one thing is sure: the guy really didn't have any experience with TES. Otherwise he would have understood that the leveling system in TES (imo) is one of the best...
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Nathan Risch
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 1:02 pm

WTF? Fear is an element?
They also claim that you can gain new shouts by absorbing dragon souls.
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Monika Fiolek
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 5:06 am


Google translator at its best...

But one thing is sure: the guy really didn't have any experience with TES. Otherwise he would have understood that the leveling system in TES (imo) is one of the best...

Leveling in prior games was absolutely terrible. Don't kid yourself.
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 1:15 pm

the first overall negative preview of skyrim. ive read

Maybe it was the lack of jedi that bugged them...
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 3:23 am

They also claim that you can gain new shouts by absorbing dragon souls.

I thought you do? You get a word form a word wall, and a dragon's soul powers that word into a shout. Correct me though, I am sure I am off :tongue:
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:18 pm

Doesn't sound like he liked it much going by that translation.

the first overall negative preview of skyrim. ive read

It seemed pretty positive to me :shrug:. Ok, he has some minor reservations about the artistic style; fair enough, it won't be to everyone's tast. Personally I love it, but the feel of the art style isn't exactly hyper-realistic. It's more like a good fantasy movie - everything is just a bit exaggerated and very faintly dreamlike.

As for saying it's been overhyped... well all he's saying is it isn't a world-shaking revolution, but is building on the solid groundwork laid by earlier TES titles. An evolution. Sound good to me :D.

And now for a few selective little snippets...

"Skyrim is and remains an excellent role game with very interesting innovations."

"a wide range of tactics and options."

"Also in Skyrim will arise naturally again a vivid and believable world."

"Another very cool feature is the map. Not the fact that there is one, of course, but the presentation of that [mistranslated]. If you are not familiar or more of the best way to point A, the map zooms simply wanted to find out from the landscape and you can give such a very realistic impression and overview of your surroundings. That does not just look good but is probably still the best way to present a [mistranslated]."

"Skyrim does not change everything [about the levelling up through practicing skills]. Why would you throw a well-tried system over-board?" (my interpretation).

"Skyrim is an excellent role-playing game - no question."

Sure, he's not a gushing fan grovelling before the Masterpiece That Is Skyrim (:rolleyes:), but he seems to quite like it.
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 3:00 pm

Well yeah, it is his opinion and everything, but he doesn't explain where he's getting it from, which is the problem here. I don't think many people thought that Skyrim had a comic look, at least not more than earlier TES games, and now he simply claims that there's a new comic look, and the question isn't whether that's the case or not, but whether that's good or not.

Also the stuff that the game is overhyped since there's nothing new there. I don't know, I would say that the game is hyped because it looks awesome and it sounds like it will be a fun game, and also a professionally made game of a certain genre that many people enjoy, but few developers care to create (the sandbox RPG where you can create a personal character and live in a big fantasy world).
Hype isn't something that is linked to being new and creative. If there was a game you loved, and now you get more of the same but more perfect, that's enough reason for starting a hype, don't you think? :shrug:

(By the way. This really is something like a pet peeve of mine - biased criticism of something because it isn't new. Remember how people criticized Avatar because it was basically like Pocahontas and Dances with Wolves? Remember how nobody criticized the 1000th stage production of Romeo & Juliet, and if anything criticized the movie for its actors and not for its plot? Arghl. It's really the same thing here. Give those guys Super Meat Boy and they drool all over it.)
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