He was just active - http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1115641-relz-minionz-one-touch-command-system/
Kuertee - have you heard of http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1118552-relz-hud-status-bars/ makes the need for pluggy graphics unnecessary. As above just need to know what is needed to make a status bar for BFandI.
Unfortunately I found that BFandI continued to give me stat damage that would not go away.
hmm that doesn't sound good.
doh! did the stat damage from BFandI show up in your active effect list, psymon?
if you think you've rested enough for the injuries to heal and the BFandI stat damage is still listed in the active effect list,
then it's definitely a bug in my mod.
however, if the BFandI stat damage doesn't show up in the active effect list,
but there are still stat damages (the - against each stat in your attributes and skills list),
then those stat damages can't be from BFandI and may be from some other mod that uses modAV or modAV2.
(last time i was active, abo found the best way to calculate actual stat values which showed that a whole lot of mods were doing it incorrectly.
also at that time, tejon had updated his mods according to abo's findings. hopefully others have as well now.)
just to iterate: all the effects of my mod will show up in the active effects list -
one of the advantages of using the drain spell effect over modAVs or modAV2 
and if they don't but you still have stat damages in your attributes and skills list, those would be from another mod.
re: HUD stat bars - YES! no more pluggy clunkyness!