I am aware of the problems with Kvatch.net, I'm quite saddened by the sorry state it's in, I had some good times on those forums lol. I have not spoken to the web host since before KR was released and even then it was Elessar who acted as intermediary handling the site business, thus he also had the FTP login details. Unfortunately Elessar is no longer active and this means I myself cannot actively do anything about it. I would advise you and everyone else to steer clear of the site.
Concerning the future of KR, I very much doubt there will be another version, with Elessar and the original team gone I cannot see myself or Zaldir releasing a 1.2. However Elessar and I have always had the view that KR should be open-source and moddable so if anyone wants to release bug fixes or what not they are welcome to.
In regards to KRU I left that in the capable hands of Zaldir, the last I saw of it it was quite far along so I may actually return to help him iron out a release, we shall see!
Sorry to keep everyone in the dark about Kvatch.net I hope this clears things up

The following is the original post, archived for posterity:
As the site was loading, I was met with Google Chrome's "Warning: Visiting this site may harm your computer!" message telling me "The website at [URL of Kvatch Rebuilt website] contains elements from the site [censored by poster], which appears to host malware".
I continued anyway, out of curiosity, and then some generic faux-antivirus scareware tried to download and install itself on my computer. I managed to stop it, but I'm still trying to figure out what happened and how long it's been this way.
Google search yielded no results, and I PM'd the mod's author on YouTube, however I haven't received any reply.
Is KR dead? Thanks for the help.
(I decided to censor links and avoid posting URLs. I don't want to accidentally send you to a malware infected website)