The Expansion for Kvatch Rebuilt has been a long and tedious project. It has undergone Cancellations, Team-Changes & Slow-Downs! It all started with Ionis, the Team leader of Kvatch Rebuilt, started working on the Expansion alone - he then went to the university, left with very little time for modding, so he handed the project to me. Since then it has been going slow, as I don't have that much time on my hands either. But we made it, after 2 years!
The Team behind Kvatch Rebuilt. Underground is:
Ionis: Team Leader & Level Designer
Warbirddeath: Level Designer
Zaldir: Script, Level Design & Quest Design
The Expansion lets the player explore the undergrounds beneath Kvatch, and discover the mysterious of many a ruin! It's not a big expansion, but it is quite interesting. We have decided that instead of making it a Hack'n Slash Dungeon Crawl, we made it more of a puzzle, which Warbirddeath managed to do very well with his Level Design!
The BETA has a has a few missing features:
Voice Acting - which makes one fight seem a little more dull than it should.
Complete Reward. (Still some work required on it.)
There's also some portals around that can be used to reach various places, though these may not function properly anymore and some are removed.
The mod requires Shivering Isles.
Both files are required to run, unless you have a previous BETA. If you do, only the Hot-fix is required!!