Excellent, thank you kyoma? Are you still going to include your readme within the journal or will you put it in Wrye's guidebook?
Will probably use COBL's excellent guidebook option. Although I can make it a dual system, if you ain't got COBL you'll get a seperate readme book.

Offer still stands on beta'ing the manual for content.

And I haven't forgotten about it! In fact, if you have any ideas about the readme or ways to better explain things, you are welcome to change it and let me know. There won't be alot of fundemental differences with the next version, only that it'll be Pluggy-optional. Other than that things will work the same (from a user's point of view).
On behalf of the (few?) people unable to use Pluggy without extreme instability (for whatever reason): WEEEPEEE !!! Thanks, great news !
Hurrah ! :celebrate: 3 cheers.
Yeee from me toooo! :celebrate:
I've just within the last couple of months reinstalled Oblivion on Vista 64 in my pc. At 220 mods I remembered I hadn't tested KJM (v3.2.1) yet. So, I did & found I couldn't write to a journal. I can open a journal, I can create more journals, I can even create a book with a unique name - I just can't write to any of them. I hear the little activation sound when I click on 'write', but nothing happens thereafter. This is with: Vista64, directx10, obse 16 & the original pluggy v122 (I'm not having any crashing w/interiors in this config). I deactivated/reactivated via omod, but no difference. The only difference in this config verses my XP setup is I am using cobl 167, could the guide books be causing a problem, though I see no one else has posted with issue? Ideas? TIA.
Hmm strange (people that read my posts alot may notice that I often begin a post with those two words

), there is one thing I can think of why it wouldn't open the text input. First thing would be that another mod (or somehow mine) had opened a text input menu without properly closing it. Thus when my mod tries to open it, nothing happens. I forgot to add some code that checks and reports when this happens so right now it would just stop.
A quick and dirty way to check and fix this would be to open the console and type "CloseTextInput". Doesn't really matter when you do it but to avoid any possible weirdness I'd say do it without any menu open. Then try to write in the books again.
Oh I just realised, if you were able to create a book and type a name there it's probably not caused by the above.
