Might have found a bug, or maybe I did something wrong but can't figure what it could be....
I've used this mod for ages, and love it by the way (already praised it several times, so I'll cut that for once

); but now, all of a sudden, my journal looks empty. The entries I've created only appear as " [] ", and when I click on them they display no text at all. The'yre present, though, just looks like the mod can't access their content. In Mes documents\My Games\Oblivion\Pluggy\User Files\'yaddayadda's journal\ (no, that's not my actual name), the .txt files are there and they contain the texts I had typed. Any idea what could be causing this? I haven't uninstalled pluggy of course (checked if the .dll was still there, just to be sure...), nor did I do anything that I can think of that could have impacted the mod... I'm at a bit of a loss. The .ini file is there, too, and looks fine, actually identical to the default. Anything I could test to understand what happened? Or eventually fix it?
Haven't you heard? I ask, no I
demand atleast three praises in each post before I even consider responding. -_-
Spoiler Just kidding ofcourse, I'm always happy to help.

Now for a truckload of questions:
#1. Does it happen with all your entries? Including new ones?
#2. You say that the .txt files are still present but that doesn't really indicate that the entries are still in the journal. Merely that the entries were exported in the past (I know, not really a question

#3. Do you perhaps have a screenshot of the problem? Or you can tell me about the rest of the buttons, are they present like normal?
#4. There are two variables that may (indirectly) be involved in the problem. You can check both of them through the console by typing
show JrnlPage and
show JrnlEntry. Best done while the journal is open.
Bump for an unsolved issue with this great mod... Well, I finally just uninstalled/reinstalled to get a working journal again, but I lost most of my old journal entries (which I could have avoided by using the export/import functions more carefully, though). Still, I've no idea of what happened. I'll just blame a chaotic bug from my computer, or possibly a CTD I may have had while I was typing at some point...
Sorry for not responding sooner, I completely forgot about your post. Although I did think of possible causes for it. Btw, if you still have a save with your old entries you can load it and export them from there. Then just import them again in your latest saves.