Mind sharing his highness' thoughts ?

Sure, 'my loyal servant'. (j/k)

Huh, I would've just put it all in a book somehow... a book that appears if you press some button while looking at the "active quest" page of your journal. But I don't know, I have no experience whatsoever with different ways of putting stuff on screen. I know that theoretically, Elys' plugins for OBSE should provide hundreds of possibilities - I remember that "jumping smiley" mod, which was basically a proof of concept that we can now put any image we want on the screen, anytime we want. So... lots of options for interfaces.
Concerning my aforementioned interest in making that mod: Well, I kinda thought that you didn't have the time to do all that scripting, so I thought I might give it a try; now it seems as if you've already done that, or it would be no problem for you to do it. So I don't think I can be of any help anymore, because, like I said, I would've just put it all in a book and be happy with it :-/
(Sidenote: Anyway, I wasn't only thinking about the journal here. I was also thinking about ongoing conversations with NPCs, and about making it possible to display what has just been said by the NPC, Morrowind style, maybe on the right hand side of the screen, next to the NPC's face. In my opinion that would be really ground-breaking, even though I guess that is even harder to accomplish than the quest information thing. However, should it prove to be possible, it would need a well thought-out interface, too. You could use one of your ideas for the journal and the other one for this.
Just some brainstorming.)
Well what I had in mind is rather simple. Ok, maybe not simple but basic. I was thinking of making a list with all the topics the player has ever seen. Then that list will consist of other lists, one for each topic. In those topic lists, there will be all the responses that have been said plus a reference to the actor that said it. So you'll get a topic list like
Index 0: topic name:string_varIndex 1: First response NPC:referenceIndex 2: First response text:string_var....Every Odd index is NPC referenceEvery Even index is response text
This should make it relatively easy to build any interface, you'll have a handy list (which is also by chronological order) of all the responses within that topic and which NPC said it. This was how it was in Morrowind, right? :unsure:
Sidenote reply: Also very possible and similar to above, I'll make a list for the current conversation list
Index 0: topic name:string_varIndex 1: topic responce:string_var....Every Even index is topic nameEvery Odd index is topic response
It will be a temporary list, meaning it's content only exists for the duration of the conversation.
The benefits of this system is that I could potentionally release it without having to build a nice/suitable interface right away. Cause as long as it's active, it will 'log' all the topics and reponses the user gets from the moment it's active. If I were to wait until there was a nice way to display it all, the user will have an almost empty list when he first starts using it. Now, if the user's already been using the mod, he'll have a nice filled list whenever the interface for it gets added.

Oh and the master list of topics will also be alphabetical, should make it even easier to build and interface for it.

P.S. As for having time, making this core system is rather 'simple'. The hardest part of this all is designing a suitable interface to display it all. :shrug:
Jumping Smiley mod ? I definitely need to see that 
http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=873230&hl=. It is more of a demo of the latest/last HUD text/image functions from Pluggy. Although it can be a nice variation from bloodspatters on your screen.

I think this fits neatly to kyoma's WiP, Encyclopedia - That's probably the reason he had thought about working on this :lightbulb: .
Sort of, at first the idea just came to mind when reading the posts but later on I thought it would fit with the Encyclopedia. Although that is kind of on ice for a while, then again, maybe this will give me new motivation to work on it again.