I've read comments on another forum, about your mod being too complicated (I summarize brutally

). I don't really understand why, but some simplification could be a good thing, if you have any intention to bother. IMHO, re-writing the readme could do the trick, though. I've not checked right now, but I seem to remember it was a bit complex to read through. Maybe reorganizing it the way shadeMe suggested: a header paragraph with "basic usage", with a clear statement that anything else ("see 'advanced features' further") can be used or skipped to one's liking.
Currently that is already done (atleast, I think so). I've described the basic usage of the journal books and the menu journal at the very top. All of the extra stuff is under the Advanced Features header. What I was thinking of was moving the entire Advanced Features into a seperate, extended readme. So it doesn't bulk up the main thing.
To tell you the truth, I haven't played Oblivion with the intention of playing the game. Oblivion.exe enters the process list only when I'm playtesting. And sadly, I never got a chance to try out the v3 series of the Journal mod

Screenshots are the only thing I've been looking at.
Ditto, although it doesn't mean the Oblivion.exe isn't run alot on my pc.

And when I used the word switch, I didn't literally mean turning on/off features. How about hiding in plain sight, like hiding the adv. stuff in a sub menu.
I didn't read it literally

, but most of the advanced features are 'hidden'. Importing and exporting works by hotkey so are hidden unless you intend to use it, the extra things in the menu journal are under More Features. I don't mean to critisise your suggestions, just not sure how I can improve it more.

Amen to that. I really didn't want to read through the whole bunch. Thankfully the feature names were suggestive enough to get by. How about shipping the readMe in a RTF file ? You are including OMOD conversion data as it is. A fully formatted readme, with handy links and segregated text will immensely boost presentation.
You can add links in rtf files? :huh: Anyways, I'm not sure if I want to make it rtf format, mainly cause I don't like it myself when I have to load up entire office for something as simple as a readme. Notepad++ goes alot faster. Then again, rtf files do have the potential to be better organized.