Flight got cancelled and had to reschedule it. Fortunately they gave me a new seat for no charge (probably because I about screamed bloody murder at them), so I'm still here til tomorrow evening looks like :/ (Im headed to Arizona for a month).
I'll install the mod on my buds machine in AZ when I get there and do some poking around the toolset and scripts, time permitting, but meantime:
The post was made AFTER I made the comments on the Nexus.
I have a sneaking suspicion one of the mods that might have borked yours was the Armamentarium series..either complete, artifacts, or staffs...probably 'complete' and/or 'The Lost Spires' (with voiceovers), because once I deleted those, the mod worked.
The only thing about that though, is that I ALSO deleted some of the optional MMM and FCOM addons at the same time.
Can't remember offhand which all plugins I had, but basically it was the entire list except for the 'no xxxx' plugins (ie no wyverns, etc) and the spawn rate plugins, which I dont use because Im not suicidal
An experiment I tried was bumping priority to 50, which is actually not very high. Didn't help any. You might try a priority of 80 or higher though, and set the script delay setting (if Oblivion has one??) to as little as possible.
Another possibility could be to simplify your startup to just add a 'magic quill' to the player's inventory, and when the player activates that item the first time, it vanishes, to be replaced with a small 'box' (I recommend the texture for the small jewelry box) in their inventory that, when opened, contains a quill, some ink, and a blank journal. Tie the initialization to activating the quill as well, since its a single use item.
On a features note...is there some way you could add a few things, since its pseudo HTML, anyway?
Maybe add a 'divider line', like you can use on forums that stretches across the entire page, to separate passages from each other, a 'chapter' feature, and an 'index' feature?
These, of course, are for the BOOK, not the menu based. ( I can't figure out your menu based system...nothing I add in there seems to go into the actual book itself?!)
The other thing I'd adore to see is the ability to import HTML, XML and .txt files and insert them into your various books from outside the game, as well as export in-game typed text to those 3 formats.
That would allow for some easier editing of huge passages.
I just adore this mod, when it works
Looking forward to the next release!