I'm confused. If you did not mean a single thing of what I quoted, then why did you post it? To make a point about exaggeration?
Yes. =)
Basically, I'm saying I have an extremely difficult time believing that people thought many of the "dungeons" in FO3 such as the Robco Factory, Dunwich, Oasis, so forth and so on were horrible and boring but find the more linear, quest-driven system in NV fun and exciting, especially when many quests are anything but. If you look at many of the quests in NV they can be summed up as simple fetch quests-- there is really no reason or initiative to do them and they don't even really add anything to the story. When people sincerely attempt to make such an argument with me the only way I can rationalize it is if they're looking at NV with rose-tinted glasses because Obsidian made NV or they simply hate FO3 because of what it is (in which case, nothing will change their mind).
(Going to edit this in quick...) To be fair, I did think many of those quests were pointless and I'd be lying if I said I'd miss it if they were removed, which is why I made the point about the lack of "dungeons" in NV, because people obviously did notice that (including myself). However, I don't think quests like "Booted" or whatever are holding NV back or anything and only even made the sarcastic rebuttal I did in the way I did because so many people seem to think NV couldn't have had more quests and explorable areas / dungeon crawls. If you read a lot of the posts people have been making, everyone makes it seem like it has to be one or the other, in which case, I'd happily trade a lot of the fetch quests for cool areas to explore.
Furthermore, by cool areas to explore, I don't mean subway tunnels (as I've said like 10 times now).
Wrong again.
I finished a full playthrough of FO2 about two weeks before NV came out, just to get back in the Fallout mood. Loved it as much as ever.
You're assuming that I hated FO3. I didn't. I didn't like it enough to actually complete the game, mind you, but I did play it and partially enjoyed it. It's not a spectacular game, but not many games are. It's not bad, either. I posted somewhere else (I think in Fallout Series discussion) where I described the game as "solid." Just not to my tastes at all- I couldn't bring myself to keep playing it after I aborted my first playthrough.
New Vegas, on the other hand, I played almost nonstop from the day after release until I finished (about 50 hours for the first playthrough and I missed a massive chunk of the game's content.)
You say NV is FO3 with a new paintjob... uh, no. Same engine, yeah. Same combat, lots of the same flaws. But fundamentally different this time, and I know that because I liked it.
There's nothing wrong with what I said. I said a comparison can't be made between the old Fallout games and the new ones other than in what they're called. Let's put this whole mess BACK into context since people seem to have short attention spans. I originally responded to this...
Do you realize how many FO1 & 2 fans have been decrying the whole dungeon-crawl of FO3 as one of the worst things to ever happen to the franchise? Good riddance and may I never be forced to traverse another pointless, uninspired, boring Bethesda-induced dungeon crawl again!
My response to this is I loved the dungeon crawls in FO3 and that it wasn't wise to speak for fans since I also consider myself a fan of the old games. That nostalgia was a powerful force in this case because the original Fallout games were by no means perfect either and in such a case you could even make a comparison between two totally different games (engine, development team, perspective, gameplay, etc.) I still considered FO3 superior as a game.
This is largely my opinion, I admit that, but when people start speaking for me and speaking what my opinion should be, that doesn't sit well either. Then you posted this (in your own words) RAGING drivel of a post...
Translation: FO1 and FO2 are clearly inferior games only cherished by a small but solid fanbase purely because of nostalgia goggles. Bethesda's millions and millions of miles of aesthetically identical underground dungeons / metro tunnels make for a much better game. : |
I don't think so, Jim. I can go back and do a full replay of FO2 just about any time I feel like it.
I always end up quitting FO3 prematurely because I can't stand trudging through linear corridors shooting feral ghoul after feral ghoul... after feral ghoul.
Maybe YOU shouldn't speak for "fans."
I wish there were emoticons that I could use for those "I AM RAGING RIGHT NOW" moments.
Countered by this, since you missed the point...
This is not what I'm saying. I'm saying Obsidian could have easily implemented plenty of "dungeons" and immersive, cool stuff that reward exploration without it feeling similar. Probably over HALF of the areas I've explored in Fallout: New Vegas are so ridiculously token and otherwise serve no point to even exist other than to break up the tedium of walking along the highway all of the time it's not even funny. I know it's a good selling feature when the back of the box says, "has over twice as many explorable areas and quests as FO3!" but those quests and explorable areas are so insignificant they're not even worth mentioning really. Why would I ever care if I can fast travel to "miscellaneous powder ganger camp consisting of a tent and bunch of tin cans South?"
Et cetera.
And this...
If you, yourself, don't consider FO3 a "real" Fallout game, since Fallout will never be Fallout again, why do you insist to compare it to one? That makes no sense. Why do you insist then on comparing NV to one, despite it having far, far, far more similarities to FO3 than the older titles? Because Obsidian made it? Please.
The bottom-line is this... Call Fallout 3 something else-- Oblivion with guns, whatever. Once you've changed the name, you'd never really make a relationship between the old Fallout games and FO3 because they're so different other than what things are called. How can you compare them at this point really? I don't really feel you can, so it's basically just a comparison between Fallout 3 and NV.
In that case, I will readily state FO3 has issues, but so does NV. Strip away all of the bugs and petty grievances both games have you suffer through to get to the meat of the game and FO3 has a much more substantial driving story and is far more immersive than NV, in my opinion. I'm sure once most of the bugs in NV have been dealt with and I can actually play it without the atmosphere being ruined by some random glitch or game-breaking bug every 15 minutes I'll enjoy it far more but that still doesn't mean I wouldn't like to see more worthwhile stuff to explore. If the trade off is quests versus explorable areas (as so many people seem to think it has to come down)-- I'd happily take a Dunwich or Springvale school "dungeon" crawl over quests like "Booted" or "Keep Your Eyes on the Prize." Half of the quests in NV Obsidian could remove in a patch and most people would barely notice, I'm sure (and don't even try to tell me you'd seriously miss half of the quests you've done-- you'd be lying and we both know it).
On the other hand, if you remove places like Dunwich or Springvale, a lot of people notice-- thus, why this thread exists in the first place. And never did I once say you couldn't like both the old Fallout games and the new ones. Hell, if you read what I wrote at all I said I liked both the old and new Fallout games, you really don't have to argue the obvious with me. This whole thing came about because people started bashing FO3 more-or-less because it wasn't a real Fallout game while praising NV, which I thought was ridiculous, which is also what inspired my nostalgia comment and why I said it wouldn't matter how good FO3 was at that point, people would still hate it regardless for no other reason than it's different.
Do you understand? As far as my comment about going back and playing the old Fallout games, well I don't even have to write an answer for that one because I described it immediately in the second paragraph...
I was a fan of the Fallout universe long before FO3 came out and I still think overall, FO3 is a better game than the old Fallout games. It has problems, sure-- but FO1 is so old and archaic I can't even play it for anything other than the story and lore at this point. If you can honestly tell me you're playing FO2 right now or have within the last year, start to finish nonstop and had a blast, I'd have a hard time believing you-- and if I were to believe you, I think at that point, no matter what, you'd dislike FO3 (and thus, you reasonably should dislike NV as well since it's significantly more like FO3 than it's like FO1 or 2) and nothing on the face of this planet would be able to change your mind. You'd hate it no matter what because it's different and even then, more than likely, you still complained more than your fair share about FO1 and 2 when they were still new or you first started playing them (though you wouldn't admit that now). I mean, why even bother picking up NV at all, if FO1 and 2 are so much better than FO3 in every conceivable way and you know damn well NV is just FO3 with a new paint-job more or less? This is why I mentioned nostalgia being a powerful force.
Hell, I remember picking up Doom 2: Hell on Earth when that first came out and played the crap out of that game. I was involved with the Doom mod community for many years, working on various maps and projects with source ports and while I still love the old Doom games, I'm not about to say they're better games than Half-Life 2 or whatever. I still love the atmosphere and I still have a soft spot for the fast-paced gameplay but they're nowhere near as immersive or as fun as many games I've played more recently. I'm still not going to say Doom 2: Hell on Earth is crap however-- it's just old and comparing Doom to something like Left 4 Dead simply isn't fair, even if the idea behind both games is precisely the same (gun down 1,000 enemies, some easy, some harder and make your way to the exit area; repeat until you win).
I'm not saying you can't like both at all. I flat-out say I like Half-Life 2 more than Doom 2 but I still love Doom 2. What I'm basically saying is if you strip out the story and lore from the old Fallout games and judge them purely on the basis of being a game as opposed to something like FO3 or NV, I'd have a very, very difficult time believing people find the old Fallout games
more fun, compelling and immersive at this point in time. Some people probably DO like the old Fallout games more-- I'm not saying I absolutely refuse to believe it's even possible, merely I'd have a hard time believing it. If you were to argue with me that you honestly feel that way I'd argue you're either letting nostalgia
really ruin the experience FO3 provided and not judging it fairly from the start OR you really hate the entire style of the game... but that can't be the case if you really love NV, which is one-thousand times more like FO3 than it's like the old Fallout games.
I never disagreed once that FO3 had too many subway tunnels. I definitely hated the subway crawls and how you were forced to use them to travel around the D.C. area, but I never once felt like it entirely ruined the game to such extents that NV is clearly ten times better than FO3 merely based on the fact it
doesn't have them.