I have a garage with 14 sets of Power Armor
in different configurations and paint jobs.
Seems plenty.
Honestly, some factions should not have power armor paint jobs at all *looking at Minutemen and Railroad factions*.
As long as I get Silver Shroud, Grognak, Madam of Mystery, Manta Man, Mecanist, and Antagonizer paint down the road I'm not complaining. Hot Rodder Hubris Comics Edition.
This too.
I mean raiders have their whole own set of armor
I need a steampunk style set for the Railroad :3
There is no logical reason why paint should be restricted to any mark regardless of faction. Is there some magical force preventing you from drawing the Minutemen symbol on T-60? Nope, just Bethesda lacking a stance of logic when designing games. The fact that each faction has paint for only 1 model of armor is literally the stupidest thing i can think of in terms of faction bonuses. So i guess Bethesda is trying to tell us that the Institute is the best and the Minutemen is the worst faction based on what armor they can "claim". Also Raider armor not being able to get any paint is orbital facepalm levels of silly...Raiders! Literally gangs of criminals and misfits are the only group who refuse to paint their armor? Laughable job Beth, just laughable
I think it has more to do with how technologically advanced the faction is. The Institute is the most advanced technologically, so Todd's crew decided to give them the most advanced power armor.
Still a faction with little tech and one based around subterfuge (stealthily helping runaway toasters) should not be running around in power armor.
It is paint...they arent wearing the armor, the player is literally the only person in the RR, MM, or Institute who wears PA and yet they are not allowed to slap PAINT on metal (ceramic, composite, etc) because that faction isnt "advanced" enough to be worthy of that model of armor? You cannot seriously be buying into Bethesda's madness
I do not buy into it. It is just logical representation of how advanced they are technologically. Honestly, the MM and the RR should not even have power armor paints in the first place. The MM are citizen soldiers, and I highly doubt that the MM all have t-45 power armor just laying around. the RR do not seem like the type that would advertise themselves that way.
But the armor does not belong to them, it is the player's armor that they paint to represent their allegiance. The MM dont paint the armor, they just "give permission" to the player to do so (still silly)
You do not seem to listening so I will explain slowly.
How am i not listening? This is a stupid explanation and serves no purpose, it doesnt matter if it is true or not, it still makes no sense and takes away from the game rather than adding to it
Honestly, I think it is stupid as well, but it is about the only explanation we have that is not "bethesda is just stupid and hate everyone".
If the paint jobs added more bonuses other than looking cool, I would want to have them on more armors. Minutemen and Railroad still should not have any PA paint jobs.
well man i wouldnt say "stupid and hates everyone"...more along the lines of "lazy and thinks everyone is woefully dim". I have to assume that they just could not be bothered to put the paint schemes on the other models which is definitely an indication of laziness since the color patterns are already in the game but are just not applied to the other models
There's BoS paint for the X-01 on the nexus if you're on PC.
Honestly, the paints do not really add any value than to make the armor look cool, other than the titanium, prism or winterized power armor paints, that actually add resistances/power armor health.
If I am going to use power armor, I want it to actually do something, not just look nice on a rack.
Railroad should not have a paint job at all. Why? The game basically has you find them. they are secretive/paranoid. It makes no logical sense to "represent" them on power armor.
Glory does not wear power armor. The only factions that actually wears them are the BoS, and the Atom Cats. The logic only really makes sense for those two factions. The minutemen, power armor painted with their crest or not, does nothing to "represent" the minutemen as people will always ask if they sent you, even if you are wearing the general's uniform.
Yeah, I really like that particular mod. The patterns are really well done, specially the Sentinel paint job.