Lack of unarmed weapons
Lack of unarmed weapons
I think the "lack of variety" has more to do with the player than not wanting the weapons in. A player who wants an automatic weapon has more options now with mods than the 3-4 they had in new vegas that were all crap because the non-auto weapons did the same job ten times better. Even those weapons you listed are not really on my radar unless I specifically built for them in NV, and even then, only the DLC ones worked well for the 'kill em all' that fallout always was.
Well I will admit early on I've really gotten tired of pipeguns. They are just so much scrap to me now. I did mod one into a nice machine gun though. Nice since I have so much ammo for the thing.
allow me to try a list..
Pipe Pistol
Pipe rifle
Pipe SMG
Pipe Auto Pistol
Pipe Revolver Pistol
Pipe Revolver Rifle/Sniper
Pipe Bolt Action Pistol
Pipe Bolt Action Rifle/Sniper Rifle
Laser Pistol
Laser Shotgun Pistol
Laser Automatic Pistol
Laser Automatic Shotgun Pistol
Laser Magnum
Laser Magnum Shotgun
Laser Rifle
Laser SMG
Laser Automatic Shotgun
Laser Sniper rifle
simply put, yes the SMG is kind of unvaried but good god the pipe guns, laser weapons and plasma weapons can literally be anything.
All I see is Pipe+mods and Laser+mods. That's two guns with mods.
I mean I get the point of the OP and I agree somewhat. But I have found some fun in the modding. Would like to be able to add some color though, but naming them is nice.
I mean you can look at it like that, or you can look at the "guns" as the categories (lasers and plasma are types of energy guns, pipe is a kind of traditional firearm, etc.) and the various mods make the actual guns in those categories.
There is plenty of weapon variety, but there are limited number of base weapon types. Note that the introduction of the Legendary weapon system vastly increases the variation of even that limited pool of weapon types, but I can see how some players dislike the Legendary guns (as they are somehow "magic" weapons).
This issue can and most certainly will be expanded on (in both mods and DLC). Modders will likely have a field day with the crafting stystem and the DLC possibilities are mind boggling.
Now whether or not Bethesda is going to try and make a buck off more base weapon types is another subject.
And were are my level action rifles? And as mentioned the pump shotguns? Etc. I mean there really is a lot of missing gun types here. Granted I can (and did) turn a simple pipe gun into a machine gun from hell, but when it's all said and done it's still a pipe gun with mods.
And how did you turn a hunting rifle into a sniper one in NV? Added a scope which was....A MOD. In the end, A gun is a gun. I pipe weapon is a pipe weapon. And a laser is a laser. That does not discount anything about there being variety. You can have any KIND of pipe weapon you want, any laser, or any hunting weapon. Simple as that. The mods make the weapons different weapons, unless you want to be blind.
I still would have preferred twice as many base weapons and half the mods, but we got what we got. Like I already said I'm having fun with it, but that doesn't mean I don't miss other gun types.
Also the one from the railway mission may just be a 10mm but it has a unique model with it's own sets of mods.
Base weapon...RIFLE!
"Modded" with a lever action is a lever action RIFLE GUN.
I can pull that too. I lever action rifle is nothing more than a rifle "designed"/"modded" to use a lever action. A revolver is a hadgun "designed"/"modded" with a different way of holding bullets. They are all the same just look different.
Let's be honest here...
This is more or less the complete list of firearms:
10mm pistol
.38 pistol
.45 revolver
.308 pistol
.44 revolver
deliverer pistol
laser pistol
plasma pistol
institute pistol
hunting rifle
double barreled shotgun
combat rifle
combat shotgun
assault rifle
gatling laser
rocket launcher
railway rifle
junk jet
gamma gun
gauss rifle
alien blaster pistol
Sure, alot of those pistols can be converted into rifles, but still... they're the same weapon with different mods.
It's hardly a long list, especially for a game like this.
And the last seven on that list are "special" weapons.
Oh and there's this to consider:
EDIT: Sorry, forgot the laser musket.
Now, that may seem like alot of guns, but consider that this is 28 weapons compared to the 37 different firearms types in Fallout 3 (not counting unique versions) and the whopping 76 different firearms types in Fallout New Vegas.
Sure... 28 sounds like alot, until you compare it to that. (admittedly, those are including the DLC's, but still it's pretty weak IMHO)
The perks kind of throw a comprehensive list out the window. Why? Because an AUTOMATIC laser pistol would be affected by the commando perk due to the fact that it has an automatic barrel "mod", A pipe rifle is affected by the rifleman perk and a normal 10mm pistol is affected by the gunslinger perk
Chill dude no one is attacking you. I just have my preferences and you have yours. Peace.
You're still basically using the same weapon... so what if your pipe rifle fires auto while mine is a sniper. They're still both pipe rifles (or rather pipe pistols with long stocks and barrel extentions).
It lacks variety.
At first it seemed like a good thing, getting tons of different versions of guns.
But now, I'm just seeing "oh another pipe weapon" or "oh, it's a laser weapon".
And it actually limits you, because if you're specializing in one type (for example pistols), you'll only use that version of all the weapons.
Again, you are omitting the perks. They literally throw everything out of whack. A pipe rifle being affected by the rifleman perk and not the Automatic one is kind of telling on who is right.
Those all feel like shotguns. Close quarters weapons. So sorry, but they all felt the same to me.