I don't understand your point. Why do people make comments that completely disregard the intent of a thread? No one here was suggesting that special loot should be found willy-nilly or in great multitudes. the point was that a lot of us would like to see more variety or for there to be special loot that could be found randomly, albeit at very small odds to do so.
But it is already like this, so why make a thread about it then?
You already, in chests find random loot.
If you go in to a chest at lvl 20, then load, come back later, even at same level, the loot have changed.
The loot in general is quite random, some is similar but holds better quality depending on your level.
I dont understand the point of the thread if thats what you want, when it already is like this.
Even quest items, such as the first one you get in Whiterun, is random.
If you undo all your clothes you can get a random armor for any body part with any enchant, from damage, smithing, carry more weight etc.
And in chests its the same.
What I found on an earlier playthrough, I sure didnt find now that Im with my current character.
The whole thread is just, moot.