Admit it, a huge part of motivation in RPG's is our greed to acquire better, shinier weapons & armor for your character.
The itemization design in Skyrim is asinine. When I'm crawling through dungeons and finding the same worthless junk in every container, on every corpse I loot, then what's the point? Where's the variety? Same with stealing. Why would I make a thief character if there's nothing good to steal, in a castle, palace, store, anywhere? I liked the game so much at first, but now I see that the illusion of "depth" is on the surface. I could ignore my greed for loot if the lore was exciting, but it isn't. As soon as it starts to have intrigue and go somewhere, it gets cut off. You need to have a really good sense of imagination to feel like you're making progress, and that's hard to do when the story and quest lines are so bland. I finish a long dungeon, beat the final boss, and all I find on him is a falmer bow? What's the point?
Don't know about you, but I've found plenty of nifty random items in dungeons. At level 39, I'm still using found items - they're better than the stuff I can make for those slots.
Yeah, there's alot of things that aren't amazing.... but that matches the "random loot farming" RPGs like Diablo or WoW, too - 98% of the stuff that you find is either junk or not better than what you're using. :shrug:
I'm trying to emphasize the sheer fluff you see everywhere. There are way too many utterly useless items you can click on, this is distracting and a waste of time and IMO ridiculous from a design perspective.
And they've insisted on doing this since Morrowind.
And, honestly, I like that. It's one of the things that sets the game apart from other series. (Personally, I've thought there's less of it in Skyrim - so many of the "decorative" items that are sitting on tables and shelves can't be interacted with. It's a shame.)
"Distracting"? Really?
(Also, "ridiculous from a design perspective"? It's better design, from a world-building and "RPG" standpoint", than the games where you walk into a house and either there's nothing there, or there's a million points of detail - that's just painted on... stuff that you can't move, or touch, or take, or anything.)