You damn well should be able to! And there are level requirements on daedric quests, which is horrible imo. The enemies during a quest shouldn't scale down, so there's still and adequate challenge to retrieve the artifact. But to deliberately keep the player from content because he isn't high enough level is total nonsense in an open world game.
This. In this style of game, if the player can manage something epic, all the power to him. Unfortunately, currently power leveling crafting is absurdly easy AND extremely profitable. One or the other is one thing, but both is a problem.
Without enchanting/alchemy exploits, smithing isn't that great any more in higher levels. That's because, as far as I can tell, upgrades give flat bonuses to your weapons. A legendary steel dagger with smithing 100 goes from 15 damage to 45, a glass dagger from 27 to 57, etc. It's just a flat 30 bonus. That makes high smithing incredibly powerful in low levels. Just look at the steel dagger! It increases the damage by 200%! For higher level items, the bonus is much lower, which is totally the opposite you'd expect from character progression.
Basically, the upgrade bonus should be a percentage of the base damage of the weapon, and not a flat bonus. And it should not exceed 100%, so no matter what, you can't go overboard.
While I agree the feedback loop is the worst part, utterly breaking things, leveling smithing to 100 is so easy and that +30 damage is enormous. If you do that first thing in the game (easy to do, before you even leave Riverwood, though it's less of a hassle if you discover a couple towns first) then you're turning the random steel dagger you find into an ebony dagger. It's ridiculous. And that's without abusing the system.
Sure, because it's a flat rate it's not as bad at high levels, but it's still game breakingly bad. The massive gains to both armor rating and weapon damage combine to make melee so far superior to magic it's not even funny. With my non-exploity upgraded dragonbone and ebony axes (15 health absorbs and 15 stamina absorb) I effortlessly walk through content on expert, and I haven't enchanted my armor yet except my boots with muffle. That's at level 43.
My destruction magic is high, but useless in comparison, and my damage shouts are a joke. Just whirlwind into the middle of groups and lay about with dual wield power attacks.