What valid point is there to make? I think youre way too picky, that's my opinion. I dont think their design concept is pathetic, people loved both morrowind and oblivion and even more people seem to love Skyrim. How the hell does marketing influence have to do with what loot you find in containers? What risk taking? It sounds like this is more important to you than just the loot, you just dont like the game period (or so it seems). I dont think Skyrim needs me to defend it. It has it's flaws, I dont think this is one of them. The reason I responded is because you seemed like an idiot, and I enjoy telling people I think are idiots to shut up.
Need a longer explanation?
you honestly have no debate skills. saying "many people loved it so it must be true" proves nothing. i am looking for a rational argument, and you have proven to be nothing but a little f a n b o y incapable of higher anolysis.
i speak for the people who disliked the direction elder scrolls took after daggerfall. the loot concept is asinine, you still haven't found a way to counter that. fumbling around with useless items does not contribute to meaningful gameplay in any way. i think bethesda should have learned by now, but since there are a lot of console players who buy the game only to play it for a few hours or even days, they keep making money, and they refuse to refine their formula, as long as this same stagnant design keeps making them money.
they have refined it a bit in skyrim, which is why i enjoyed the game for a while, but they haven't moved an inch to fix the fundamental flaws.
if you don't understand the concept of risk taking in game design, or anything for that matter, then i guess you're probably just a kid.
so here's a history lesson for you, kid:
the genesis of elder scrolls came about with a bunch of rpg nerds who wanted to make the most open-ended pc game imaginable. they took a huge risk by pioneering a design concept that no one had dared to try before. this innovative effort was led by Julian Lefay and his inspiration came to a head in Daggerfall. However, the game was rushed to meet a release date, and while still awesome, it didn't manifest into what it could have been. Back then I hoped that Morrowind would carry this concept further.
Then Julian Lefay disappeared, and Todd Howard came along, and completely changed the direction of Elder Scrolls. This is actually the root of what I'm ranting about. Elder Scrolls became all about rehashing a trite formula to appeal to console players who will pick up the game and forget about it after a week. but there is no innovation or depth, just shinier packaging.
The blindness that I see in the design is symptomatic of development led by marketing over quality, and the terrible loot system is just one example. There are a lot of great things about Skyrim but as soon as i get a taste of what i call the "todd howard flavor" i stopped playing this almost as quickly as i gave up on oblivion. i know many people will not know wtf im talking about, but im sure a few can relate.