Magic is just so underpowered and there is no real reason to main it in Skyrim.
You got Fire, Ice, and Shock but no Earth, Wind, or Water for Destruction?
Is this the laziness of Bethesda showing? There should literally be no reason for there to NOT be water or wind spells, as Water and Wind make Ice and you can't have one without the other.
For Conjuration, there are only three Bound weapons: Bow, Sword, and Battle-axe.
Why no maces, daggers, Wathammers, or Claymores?
And I can only summon two zombies at a time (and that's with a perk). I want to be able to launch a small army of them.
Illusion seems jipped too, as there's no Chameleon Spell, no Charm Spell, and am I the only one who wanted Illusion to have a spell to create weak copies of the caster to distract enemies?
Instead, we got a spell sub-sect that makes everyone attack everyone, and a spell that counters that. And then we got Clairvoyance and Muffle, Clairvoyance is baby's first quest marker, I mean, really, who uses it?
And muffle is useless for mages, and more suited for sneaky-types, like Assassin's and Rogues. And the Rally/Call to Arms sub-sect is all but useless in the game, odds are you will be alone or with a companion over 90% of the time.
Alteration seems decent, but it has a lack of spells as well.
You have Xfelsh spells, which work as a shoddy version of the Shield spell for Physical damage only, a ward spell which does the same, but for magical damage only, two spells that work almost the same way, Magelight and Candlelight.
Then you have Skyrim's Life Tap(Equilibrium), which deals damage to you to replenish your mana (as if mage characters weren't already squishy enough).
Detect Life/Undead is only for those who want to breeze right through dungeons and don't look around. I've never had to use them.
Paralyze is useless at higher levels, Transmute is kind of cheap tbh, and Waterbreathing is useless as well, less than 5% of places require you to be underwater for extended periods.
Restoration is only viable once you get Bane of the Undead, otherwise you're just making your enemies run repeatedly and overhealing yourself.
Add to the fact magic scales horribly...
Anyone else severely disappointed in magic?