So I want to know what people think of the compass. Should it be in the next game? I actually enjoyed getting lost and looking for things with actual hard instructions. And because of this, you would explore more of caves and places. With the compass you just found what you needed and got out. Now its not to say you couldn't still explore. I did. Bit just overall it lacked the RPG feeling. In life you don't get a magical compass that tells you where to go. If your dad sent you to the store and you didn't know where, he gave you instructions. Just my outlook.
And lastly I was disappointed in the paper map for Oblivion. Did anyone actually enjoy the Morrowind one? Did you guys use it? How about the Oblivion one? Did you use that one?
~Regards, Wolf-Lord
Edit: Huge edit guys, although I refer to the compass a lot in that paragraph. I am mainly referring to the pesky quest markers. I don't mind the compass but the quest markers were the key feature of the compass.
~Regards, Wolf-Lord