That's the fun part! 
Oddly my favourite though was when they decided to outdo each other in who could be a bigger disgrace and to make me give in and concede that I'd been outdone - there's something brilliantly attractive to me about a woman that has the sense of humour and the skills to communicate it to make a room silent with shock, I find it both hugely entertaining and oddly impressive. If you're being purposefully revolting to make someone feel uncomfortable or demean them then I think it's possible to pick up on it and that where the creepy comes in. If you're saying it for the shock or humour value without the intent to make someone feel bad then it can work. I find that extroverted and naughty type of personality so much more attractive than someone that is overly diplomatic and makes a painful effort to appear correct. Sure there's a place for diplomacy or middle of the road inoffensive and overly sensitive but treating it as the default mode just makes me snooze. I'd much rather someone says what's on their mind and make it clear whether we're going to get on. If you find that spark then you just want to find out more and more. See how you can push one another to laugh and find out more about each other, admittedly through a distinctly naughty lens! 
I'm an only child so the dynamics that exist between siblings have always been oddly fascinating to me. I think a lot of it (at least for me) comes down to how you communicate. If you try to mask your sense of humour, your intentions and how people perceive you then I find it to be both dishonest and an utter waste of time for when they find out what you're really like. I know that my temper is quick to boil, I know that I have a generally filth geared sense of humour so I'm upfront about it. At the same time I can be hugely supportive and able and willing to be hugely empathic - I just enjoy being an impish little **** more, when you meet someone that has that same bias then sparks fly and that is fantastic. 
When you have siblings there's generally a tighter bond between them - if you want to get on with one, you're going to need the approval of the other.
Best way I can think of to illustrate it is there is a friend that I have in South Florida, more like a little sister really. I was put in touch with her for the purpose of winding her up but given that she was having a rough time I picked up on that and wanted to help her out instead. We got to know one another really well, I thought for a little while at the beginning that there might be a romantic relationship as a possibility but it wasn't the way that it was going to work. We're stronger friends than ever, nearly a decade on, share the same disgraceful sense of humour and I got a brilliant holiday staying with her as well
People were confused as to why I'd travel thousands of miles to meet up with her, she's awesome. I love her dearly and we just *get* each other. I'm hoping to be able to get out there for her wedding. It's going to come down to the cost though unfortunately. Finding those personalties that match or go well with your own - be it friendship or romance is the challenge. A fun one, but a challenge still 
Amazing legs also draw me like a moth to a flame
combine that with the impish nature and heeeelloooooooo!