Yes, this is a very Great Quest mod, but very hard too

Slowdown in Belda Vabria?
It must be Pluggy or something, because no User reported anyhting like this in the DV. An this Version, was used from more as 1000 Users until now.
Seconded for Ivelon.
I think I maybe found out what causes the slowing in
my game:
I play FCOM + Supreme Magica + LAME + Race Balancing Project
What they do? they all add loads of enemies with skills and abilities beyond imagination.
What does your ruins have? Huge halls, some on 2-3 floors but still count as one single cell.
I counted 27 NPC, most of them summoners, conjurers, battlemages, all summoning up to 7 creatures to help them,
all this fighting a horde of Lich Lords and Skelleton Lords and other monsters who in their turn summon huge amount of creatures, total more than 120! In one cell!
My PC is good but not good enough to run without slowing with that number of living (and undead) creatures in a single cell.
However, with careful reducing the number through good marksmanship this number was reduced to 0 and my speed went back to its normal self.
Is it me tired after 48 hours hard work or Dungeon 4 is simply enormous? Stopped just before the innermost level, will cleanse it tomorrow!
Thanks for this delectable delightful delicious, delirious deranging, devastating mod!
Edit: still waiting for CTD... have you put some in your mod?

Edit: took me a while to finish #4 and... in my game it is linked to belabudro, so had to cleanse this as well.
ATM am playing with my newest acquisition - Race Balancing Project and Integration mods by bg2408.
The moment I take my latest 2 chars I will continue toward Dungeon 5.