Lady Rowena and my humble self proudly presents, the EV translation of Series 1 & 2 from our ARE - Ayleid Ruins Expanded - Project.
What contains this Plugin exactly?
Lately you have read in Black Horse Courier the following articles about the Mysteries of the Ayleids:
A very long time ago, an artifact filled with stored knowledge was hidden by the Ayleids in an unspecified Ayleid ruin, together with lots of gold, welkynd stones and other useful things. Approximately 80 years ago, an Imperial Army troop stumbled across a strange artifact in a ruin of completely strange architectural style - partly Ayleid, partly completely unique. Since they didn't know anything about it they simply let it disappear in the vault of the emperor. Now there are rumors of still more such artifacts that have been been hidden in older days.
Series 1:
A somewhat absent-minded archaeologist of the Mages' Guild in Skingrad has left a mission report there about his investigations. Perhaps you should visit this location in order to receive more exact information“
Where can the Dungeons be found?
Note: You need a special Key to open the next Dungeon, that can always be found in the previously. This will be not apply for the First

Note for MMM/FCOM Users: Please add a reduced spawn option when playing our Mod, because some of the Interiors are very big. (Thank you @ dev_akm)
- Oblivion EV - with SI!
- Patch: 1.2x
The Vaults and included Traps requires an Character with Levl 25 - 30 and above.
- Lady Rowena - for Her Suggestions and improvements.
- Growlf for the Permission to use Parts from his as Bonus Armor in this Plugin.
- WalkerinShadows for revise the translation
For further questions and if you has Problems to continue, please contact us by TESNexus or too.
Version 2.2
- WalkerInShadows has revised the Translation again
- Set a maximum count on the TrapSpawnBox
- ESM Version Updatet - It uses now the same as Series 2
- Its now compatibel to UL Beaches of Cyrodiil
- Quest integrated, so its easier to break / follow the paper chase
Version 2.1b
- WalkerInShadows has revised the Translation again
- Set a maximum count on the TrapSpawnBox
Version 2.1a
- Fixed the "Door" Plaque in Telepe
- Change the ESM (now Version 1.1)
Version 2.1 / 05.09
- Correct some Names and Text's
- Removed the changes in the Sideways Cave and placed only a Message Plate on one of the Shelfs there - So our Mod is more compatible with other, that alters this Cell too.
- The Ayleid Skelletons are now easier (less Live and Weapon Dam)
Version 2.0 / 04.09
- All missing Pathgrids restored
- Some small Staticbugs fixed
- Changed the health of the strongest type of Ayleid skeletons (Lvl 50)and Dark Warrior (Lvl 60) from 2500 to 2000).
- Changed the Name from "Dunkle Kriegerin" to "Dark Warrior" and correct the Script Text of her Weapon
Series 2:
In the sequel from our little paperchase, we will send you again on a hunt for a special type of Ayleid artifact. This is, as might be expected, once again well-concealed. Maybe, the Hero of Cyrodiil will find out the secret that was hidden in the old days?
- Oblivion EV - with SI!
- Patch: 1.2x
Extra Info:
- NNWAE Series 2 EV contains Dungeon 1 - 5 from Series 2 and Part 1 of the Quest. Dungeon 6 contains Part 2. You can play Nr.6 without the Single ESP too, if you have the Seperate ESPs from 1- 5.
- ALL Dungeons have a minimum level req. of 25! Lvl. 30 is even better, however.
- All have built-in "deadly traps" and their Activators are well-camouflaged!
Please take a look into the included Readme after download!
- Lady Rowena - for Her Suggestions, improvements and building 2 Levels.
- Sonea - for one Level of Dungeon Nr. 3
- Growlf for the Permission to use his Pyramid from
- WalkerinShadows for revise the English translation and help by the Walkthrough
Please take a look in the Readme's after Download.
Lady Rowena & NNW