The simple fact that weapons in COD kill almost instantly, and a lot of other similar titles weapons kill almost as fast, allows lag compensation to break the game for me. (and please dont blame my connection. its pretty good /p.s. i play on xbox)
In COD someone will come around the corner, insta kill me with their AR/SMG and i will only be able to get off a few shots. aimed right at them. But on the killcam he comes around the corner and im just standing there like an idiot. he aims down the sights, emptys a third of his clip into me, and i die without firing a shot.
I would take this as just being part of the game if it didnt happen almost every match i play on every COD game after the first MW. The games i dont get lag compensation i go top of the leaderboard. The games i do get it, I have trouble going positive.
I played Crysis 2. Which i believe is P to P. And apart from the ocasional frame rate lag (which is to be expected online) its great. no lag compensation whatsoever.
I know brink is P to P so i think that this will help me out alot if my theory about lag compensation on dedi servers is correct.
So. do you guys have problems with lag compensation on COD or other FPS games. and do you think it will be a problem, if it is there, in brink?
Oh ya. I still cant find a legit info source on the problem of lag compensation, if you have any info please tell me.