"Lag-Kills" Even with Low Ping

Post » Sun May 15, 2011 1:46 pm

Crysis and Crysis 2 are the only two First-Person Shooters I've played online in recent memory. I remember playing the original Unreal Tournament online a decent amount, as well as Tribes 2, but those were quite a long time ago. Anyway, I was wondering if what I'm experience is typical of online shooters, or if it's just Crysis. Quite frequently I will have turned a corner but yet I am still killed despite being out of line of sight of the person who killed me. I understand that even electrical signals take time to travel, but a lot of times it isn't even remotely close. Assuming I can find an east coast server without a cheater, my ping is somewhere between 20 and 50, yet at times I can be killed more than half second after turning a corner, and the kill-cam confirms I was out of line of sight of the guy who killed me for a good 1/4 second, and sometimes even 1/2 a second.

It was just as bad in Crysis Wars. I'd be on a roof shooting at someone, they'd starting shooting back, I'd go prone and be completely out of site, then half a second later I'm dead. Or I be walking along, then mysteriously die without a sound, then half a second later I'd hear a shotgun blast and the chat log would show I was killed with a shotgun. Again, this is with 20-50 ping.

So, to get to the point, I'm wondering if this is pretty typical among online games or not? It kinda seems like with a <100ms ping it shouldn't happen so often, but I don't play many shooters online so I don't really know for sure. Also, it doesn't help that it forces you to stop sprinting when you get shot.
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Josh Dagreat
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