» Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:57 pm
I hardly ever lag, I don't know why all these people are crying about it, but I have a theory: I think people are just upset that it can sometimes take sooo many bullets to kill someone when they're in armor mode, then don't get the kill and die instead then automatically blame it on lag. Watch the kill-cam people, if the person is all bloody after they kill you, your bullets were obviously hitting, the other guy was just more accurate and probably had armor on...
I'm not saying lag doesn't ever happen, but its not NEAR as common as a lot of you are making it out to be. I lag maybe once or twice every 20 - 30 games, and that is to be expected of ALL P2P multiplayer games. For all you people biching about the population shrinking, I hope you realize you certainly aren't helping the situation by coming on these boards and nitpicking about every little **** bug, glitch, or problem. Guess what guys, NEWS FLASH! GAMES HAVE BUGS - and they're not always easily fixable... give them some time to release a few more patches, and if they STILL don't address the issue, then fine, you have a right to complain.
Until then STFU and quit crying about every little thing that isn't perfect about this game and sit back and try to enjoy it for what makes it a great, dynamic, shooter... because otherwise the only thing you're doing is helping to kill the community in this game even faster.
You seem to be enjoying it a lot, thats great. However, don't assume your experience = the same as others. You also aren't helping by attacking those who are in a topic discussing a matter. Yes, some do it wrongly. Others do it correctly. Your first part was interesting, then you lost it. This is a forum, discussions happen. If it isn't your cup of teaa, then don't post. Just read, and move on. As Adam said, if it breaks rules, it will be removed.
Its been said over, and over again. Crytek can kill all these topics by just being more active in their own community. That is all. It isn't how long patches are taking. Its how long it takes to know whats being worked on, and if its being worked on.