Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:30 am

And Crytek has not said one word about a fix . EPIC FAIL
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Alisha Clarke
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:45 pm

TRADED this game today because of lag and framerate,pity as this had the makings of a great game
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:41 am

I've near enough stopped playing, sick of watching killcams of me shooting someone who isn't actually there.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:57 pm

Crytek you guys sure did talk a big game before its release. Now you have nothing too say. Spend my money wisely because once its gone you will not see another dime from me .
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Ebou Suso
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:52 pm

TRADED this game today because of lag and framerate,pity as this had the makings of a great game

good for u. i dont really care. i still got the game and still enjoy playing it
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Love iz not
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:24 am

im still playing this everyday i like this game
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:52 pm

TRADED this game today because of lag and framerate,pity as this had the makings of a great game

good for u. i dont really care. i still got the game and still enjoy playing it

guess what. know one cares that youre still enjoying it. SO SHUT IT. and while youre at it... get off crytec's ****. and when youre off... tell them to fix the lag.
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^~LIL B0NE5~^
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:16 am

guess what. know one cares that youre still enjoying it. SO SHUT IT. and while youre at it... get off crytec's ****. and when youre off... tell them to fix the lag.
The game's perfect except for lag, which is the most noticeable problem, and I'm sure they're working on it.
People should stop complaining.
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brian adkins
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:33 pm

i really dont suffer with it as bad as everyone keeps moaning about it. maybe if its that bad play something else and quit biching about it on here
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:42 am

Yeah, its been what 2 months. They have tweaked guns but because they haven't addressed lag in forums or patches. Yeah a handful of people don't have problems, but the majority do. I got a sealed copy and got a refund. I liked this game, but it can lag worse than COD at times. I got tired of shooting a magazine in someone and them turning around and getting me in 2 shots. I liked being able to do that when I hosted, but most of the time I didn't host. Also, I hosted many more times with my DSL connection than my cousin with his high speed turbo cable connection. There is definitely something up with how the game selects host. I have no problem getting this game again, but I want to know if they are even working on connection. This game had a big name behind it, so I a expected better multiplayer experience than I got. I find it odd they are doing DLC already, but no lag fix. Is EA turning into activision now?
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Andrea Pratt
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:43 am

im tired of people B I T C H I N G about the lag. ive played online via my neighbors wifi connection just fine most of the time and i play hardwired at my bros house on a crappy dsl line. instead of blaming crytek for lag blame me for being cheap or blame your own internet provider you dumb bastards.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:13 am

im tired of people B I T C H I N G about the lag. ive played online via my neighbors wifi connection just fine most of the time and i play hardwired at my bros house on a crappy dsl line. instead of blaming crytek for lag blame me for being cheap or blame your own internet provider you dumb bastards.

Why then do I play every over game online with little to no lag why only Crysis 2 or are you trying to say my ISP has a personal personal grudge against Crytek?
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Astargoth Rockin' Design
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:32 pm

im tired of people B I T C H I N G about the lag. ive played online via my neighbors wifi connection just fine most of the time and i play hardwired at my bros house on a crappy dsl line. instead of blaming crytek for lag blame me for being cheap or blame your own internet provider you dumb bastards.

LMAO bro the match making is broken you know I KNOW IT everybody knows. All people want is for CRYTEK to come on here and say they are working on it. BRINK has LAG issues and the devs are all over the forums telling their customers they are working hard to fix it.

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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:39 am

Lol why are people crying like 1 in 30 games is laggy and thats just because the host is on dial up or w/e n that happens in cod aswell just the same amount if not more. The rest of the time there is very little lag in the game, even if it says im on 1 bar connection i still get very little lag so i really dont see what everyone is crying about rofl.

The only time lag effects me is in melee where some real bull can happen, but thats equally true for cod and occasionally someone will kill me in 4 bullets with a Scar n im like wtf? but thats pretty damn rare. So basically stop crying because the tiny amount of lag in this game is really not a huge problem...
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Quick Draw
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:31 am

Bull it's more like 29 out of 30 games are laggy hell it's pretty rare to see anybody other than the host have more than 3 bar connection.
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Dylan Markese
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:49 am

Bull it's more like 29 out of 30 games are laggy hell it's pretty rare to see anybody other than the host have more than 3 bar connection.

Yeh but forget about bars, even when im on 1 bar the large majority of the time there is very little lag... really it is very rare to get into games where the lag is bad as people are describing the only time I have got into games like that is because the host is from australia and im in u.k all other times lag is fine or even if there is some lag its still very much playable..
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james kite
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:50 pm

Come on, no need for vulgarity.

I dont think I can say this enough. The people who are expressing their disappointment in a ridiculous manner needs to just relax a bit. Talking about the issue is one thing. Swearing, throwing insults is another.

If you dont like the topic at hand, why are you in here complaining about complaining? Just read, and move on. Yes the forums may be filled with the same stuff. Still doesn't mean you need to add fuel to the fire. A minority seems to be enjoying the game, and having little to no issues. Thats fantastic! I'm going to trade it, cause I'm not in that minority.
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Abel Vazquez
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:14 pm

U do have to admit though Crytek aint doing much of a good job addressing this issue. I dont experience much lag so I cant really complain, but like the other guy said Splash Damage are doing a better job when it comes to informing players on the lag problems in Brink and trying to fix it. I mean they even done a temporary fix of lowering the amount of players in a standard match to deal with the problem
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Vicki Blondie
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:39 am

how are you so sure. The ps3 is not on their priority rite now pc and xbox comes first you guys know that, I like the game a lot but this game was not finished this would have been a candidate for my game of the year without lag, hit detection and framerate issues. it's really had to stick with this game now that all my friends are selling the game I might do the same if I don't see a patch in the next month
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:04 am

i have i 2giga conection and i never had any major lag untill these last few days..i bought the game for multiplayer alone the campaign was i bonus, but i would never buy a game like this only for the campaign which is not very good nor does it have a good really makes me sad that we cant do anything about seems like crytek cares but have no solution for it...because without lag the game is awsome and i would have no problem with it...i cant exchange the game beacuase i bought it in guatemala.....crytek should now that gamers forgive but never forget...all this proves is that the multiplayer has many problems and its starting to look like a desert...hopefully u can fix it in time before no one will care and the next time u launch a game IT WILL SELL A LOT LESS...100%...good luck CRYTEK
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evelina c
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:27 am

Whoa, the list is growing on people who are on Cryteks "I have little to no lag at all, get a better ISP you cheap bastard!" payroll.
If it's over 5 bucks I'd say it too!!

Like everyone says though, honestly, all we want to hear is "We are currently working on fixing the lag, and the fix will be in the next patch to be released soon/near future."

I think everyone would be very happy. Then we could tell people who are hesitant on buying the game (cause of the lag etc.), that everything is fixed, and they'd buy it.

No lag = more sales for Crytek.
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stephanie eastwood
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:48 am

Whoa, the list is growing on people who are on Cryteks "I have little to no lag at all, get a better ISP you cheap bastard!" payroll.
If it's over 5 bucks I'd say it too!!

Like everyone says though, honestly, all we want to hear is "We are currently working on fixing the lag, and the fix will be in the next patch to be released soon/near future."

I think everyone would be very happy. Then we could tell people who are hesitant on buying the game (cause of the lag etc.), that everything is fixed, and they'd buy it.

No lag = more sales for Crytek.

All I want is some feed back but still nothing . I do not understand these guys .
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Adam Baumgartner
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:45 pm

I hardly ever lag, I don't know why all these people are crying about it, but I have a theory: I think people are just upset that it can sometimes take sooo many bullets to kill someone when they're in armor mode, then don't get the kill and die instead then automatically blame it on lag. Watch the kill-cam people, if the person is all bloody after they kill you, your bullets were obviously hitting, the other guy was just more accurate and probably had armor on...

I'm not saying lag doesn't ever happen, but its not NEAR as common as a lot of you are making it out to be. I lag maybe once or twice every 20 - 30 games, and that is to be expected of ALL P2P multiplayer games. For all you people biching about the population shrinking, I hope you realize you certainly aren't helping the situation by coming on these boards and nitpicking about every little **** bug, glitch, or problem. Guess what guys, NEWS FLASH! GAMES HAVE BUGS - and they're not always easily fixable... give them some time to release a few more patches, and if they STILL don't address the issue, then fine, you have a right to complain.

Until then STFU and quit crying about every little thing that isn't perfect about this game and sit back and try to enjoy it for what makes it a great, dynamic, shooter... because otherwise the only thing you're doing is helping to kill the community in this game even faster.
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Javaun Thompson
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:57 pm

I hardly ever lag, I don't know why all these people are crying about it, but I have a theory: I think people are just upset that it can sometimes take sooo many bullets to kill someone when they're in armor mode, then don't get the kill and die instead then automatically blame it on lag. Watch the kill-cam people, if the person is all bloody after they kill you, your bullets were obviously hitting, the other guy was just more accurate and probably had armor on...

I'm not saying lag doesn't ever happen, but its not NEAR as common as a lot of you are making it out to be. I lag maybe once or twice every 20 - 30 games, and that is to be expected of ALL P2P multiplayer games. For all you people biching about the population shrinking, I hope you realize you certainly aren't helping the situation by coming on these boards and nitpicking about every little **** bug, glitch, or problem. Guess what guys, NEWS FLASH! GAMES HAVE BUGS - and they're not always easily fixable... give them some time to release a few more patches, and if they STILL don't address the issue, then fine, you have a right to complain.

Until then STFU and quit crying about every little thing that isn't perfect about this game and sit back and try to enjoy it for what makes it a great, dynamic, shooter... because otherwise the only thing you're doing is helping to kill the community in this game even faster.

You seem to be enjoying it a lot, thats great. However, don't assume your experience = the same as others. You also aren't helping by attacking those who are in a topic discussing a matter. Yes, some do it wrongly. Others do it correctly. Your first part was interesting, then you lost it. This is a forum, discussions happen. If it isn't your cup of teaa, then don't post. Just read, and move on. As Adam said, if it breaks rules, it will be removed.

Its been said over, and over again. Crytek can kill all these topics by just being more active in their own community. That is all. It isn't how long patches are taking. Its how long it takes to know whats being worked on, and if its being worked on.
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Chelsea Head
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:03 am

I hardly ever lag, I don't know why all these people are crying about it, but I have a theory: I think people are just upset that it can sometimes take sooo many bullets to kill someone when they're in armor mode, then don't get the kill and die instead then automatically blame it on lag. Watch the kill-cam people, if the person is all bloody after they kill you, your bullets were obviously hitting, the other guy was just more accurate and probably had armor on...

I'm not saying lag doesn't ever happen, but its not NEAR as common as a lot of you are making it out to be. I lag maybe once or twice every 20 - 30 games, and that is to be expected of ALL P2P multiplayer games. For all you people biching about the population shrinking, I hope you realize you certainly aren't helping the situation by coming on these boards and nitpicking about every little **** bug, glitch, or problem. Guess what guys, NEWS FLASH! GAMES HAVE BUGS - and they're not always easily fixable... give them some time to release a few more patches, and if they STILL don't address the issue, then fine, you have a right to complain.

Until then STFU and quit crying about every little thing that isn't perfect about this game and sit back and try to enjoy it for what makes it a great, dynamic, shooter... because otherwise the only thing you're doing is helping to kill the community in this game even faster.

You seem to be enjoying it a lot, thats great. However, don't assume your experience = the same as others. You also aren't helping by attacking those who are in a topic discussing a matter. Yes, some do it wrongly. Others do it correctly. Your first part was interesting, then you lost it. This is a forum, discussions happen. If it isn't your cup of teaa, then don't post. Just read, and move on. As Adam said, if it breaks rules, it will be removed.

Its been said over, and over again. Crytek can kill all these topics by just being more active in their own community. That is all. It isn't how long patches are taking. Its how long it takes to know whats being worked on, and if its being worked on.

Kudos Bro this silent treatment is BS I love this game or I wouldnt bother. Peace
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