Shooting enemies in the head with 10 or more bullets and they're not dying, dying by less than 5 bullets while in armor mode (from any weapon, with AE on)...
I was always thinking it was my bad internet, and old PC, but...
Today was one of those ugly gaming days when I was raqed in game and got disconnected few times from game giving me crappy errors related to network.
After that I tested my network and I had excellent ping and speed, ping was rated A on almost all EU servers... so that means it wasn't my internet but this f*ing game! WTF?!
Also, my game sometimes used to freeze for few seconds, and I thought it's my old PC overheating or something like that... but today I was playing with clanmates, and one clanmate reported that he saw me levitating in midair, where on my side game was frozen.
If it was my PC, my character would be standing idle in other's people view, but not in this case.
Again some "network" problems? WTF?!
I was trying to forward ports, but I have dynamic IP so it's not possible.
Is there any other way to get my game fixed?