Lakeview Manor Blackscreen

Post » Fri Jul 12, 2013 10:47 pm

Hey, it's me again.

So this time i really checked out google but couldn't find a solution so this might be a reasonable thread.

I just got my legendary edition and first thing I wanted is to build my own house. Today i had some crashing problems and i disabled a lot of mods and now stable (i'll figure out the bad mod later). However, every time i leave my small lakeview manor i have a blackscreen after the loading screen. I have sounds during this blackscreen and can even after restarting the game (quit via task manager) load the autosave outside the house. But I just can't leave it without crashing -.-

any Ideas ? I really don't think its a mod issue unless u guys tell it is^^

thanks a lot


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Dorian Cozens
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Post » Sat Jul 13, 2013 5:59 am

If you just started why you don't do i clean fresh install without mods and try again.

Only game + official patches + unofficial patches

Latest drivers, put Audio in your windows control panel at 16Khz 44 bit, direcX drivers.

Disable any background Antivirus / firewall.


Because if you play with the mods disabled, i think your save files have data and keys stored from your modes. (even if you disable your modes).

btw. what's your pc configuration (CPU, GPU, RAM, PSU)

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NAtIVe GOddess
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Post » Sat Jul 13, 2013 1:54 am

Hey Mark41,
thanks for you help :smile:

I don't started a new game and i think I won't have energy to play all the quests again, I might reinstall everything when I finished with these Charakter or should I try reinstalling and using old savegames ?

And even than, i still don't know which mods are allowed and which not -.-

My audio is already on 16Khz 44bit

MY System:

Intel Core i7 2600K 4x 3.4GHz So. 1155 BOX

8GB Corsair Vengeance DDR3-1600 DIMM CL9 DUal KIT

1536MB Sparkle GeForce GTX 580 Calibre Aktiv PCIe 2.0 x16 (Retail)

650W Corsair TX650 V2 80+ Bronze

I might just keep on playing and start a new game later with everything reinstalled, but how do i know which mod is the troublemaker when its ruins my savegames ?

EDIT: When i reinstall a fresh clean skyrim, when and how should I get started with the mods ?



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Kat Lehmann
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