1.) Everything I can build BEFORE making the small house into an entry way: animal pen, apiary, armorer workbench, garden, grindstone smelter and stable.
These will not disappear, or be altered when I create the main hall and adding on wings correct? Will I have the option to remove them? Will it ever be necessary to remove these above listed?
2.) Am I stuck with the same steward permanently?
I have faendal as a follower currently, but I don't want to make him a steward if this removes him as my follower and/or if I cannot switch to a different steward later with no consequences.
There are allot of different choices for stewards and I want to know if I can switch stewards later.
Last of all, I have only built the small house so far. I see an option to remove the workbench inside. Why would I ever remove that workbench?
I hope this isn't too complicated to answer.