Land LOD help

Post » Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:19 pm

After several days of trial and failure I need help getting land LOD's to work in a custom worldspace.

All files are in their proper place and worldspace names are correct where needed, and everything generates normally in CK and Oscape. But in game distant LOD doesn't appear until after moving some distance, and only certain LOD's pop in and out depending on the camera position. Any LOD's that do pop in are isolated and not complete. The only consistently viewable worldspace is within the loaded cells.

Worldspace and heightmaps are both at -32,31 x 31,-32. No parent worldspace.

I suspected bad lodsettings file but the same results occur with both the manually extracted/renamed tamriel.lod AND the lod file generated by Oscape.

The only suspect left is a heightmap issue because Oscape lists my worldspace dimensions as -32;-32;28;28 which is wrong. Also the sea and land level does not match the worldspace but that's not biggie.

Here are a few images to show the Oscape setup and the results. Thanks in advance for any help or insight.

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Lindsay Dunn
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