Assuming these kinds of errors can cause crashes, yes, I'd certainly prefer knowing about them.
Don't need a hex editor, removing the offending entries and re-adding them again solved it. I suspect TES4Edit may have a bug in it's "clean masters" function since that's the only thing I can think of that would have caused this, and it happened on every patch I've had to make that's had masters removed by TES4Edit.
Your utility went to completion after fixing them all (thankfully not many) and produced this:
----Optimizing Tree...Now calculating heightmaps...Number of HeightMaps processed: 61627Checking for tears, this may take a while...----Checking Worldpsace: TamrielNumber of cells fixed: 199Checking Worldpsace: ToddlandWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: ToddTestLand2Worldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: MQ15TestWorld3Worldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: EmptyWorldWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: SEWorldNumber of cells fixed: 35Checking Worldpsace: TestTreeWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: TestHopeTreesWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: SETestWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: SETheFringeNumber of cells fixed: 6Checking Worldpsace: SETheFringeOrderedNumber of cells fixed: 12Checking Worldpsace: SENSBlissNumber of cells fixed: 7Checking Worldpsace: SENSCrucibleNumber of cells fixed: 3Checking Worldpsace: SENSPalaceNumber of cells fixed: 8Checking Worldpsace: SETestGrantWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: SEVitharnWorldWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: BloatedFloatAtSeaWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: CamoranParadiseNumber of cells fixed: 8Checking Worldpsace: TestMurkDwellerWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: TestHungerWorldWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: TestShamblesWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: TestRegionWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: TestExRuinWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: TestGnarlWorldWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: MS14WorldWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: BrumaWorldNumber of cells fixed: 12Checking Worldpsace: BravilWorldNumber of cells fixed: 26Checking Worldpsace: AnvilWorldNumber of cells fixed: 14Checking Worldpsace: LeyawiinWorldNumber of cells fixed: 37Checking Worldpsace: CheydinhalWorldNumber of cells fixed: 19Checking Worldpsace: SkingradWorldNumber of cells fixed: 20Checking Worldpsace: OblivionMQKvatchWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: TestGragtownNumber of cells fixed: 49Checking Worldpsace: TestWorldWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: MS37WorldWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: TestFortRuinsixtWarehouseWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: ICTheArcaneUniversityNumber of cells fixed: 10Checking Worldpsace: ICMarketDistrictNumber of cells fixed: 14Checking Worldpsace: ICArboretumDistrictNumber of cells fixed: 14Checking Worldpsace: ICTalosPlazaDistrictNumber of cells fixed: 37Checking Worldpsace: ICElvenGardensDistrictNumber of cells fixed: 14Checking Worldpsace: ICTempleDistrictNumber of cells fixed: 15Checking Worldpsace: ICArenaDistrictNumber of cells fixed: 10Checking Worldpsace: ICImperialPrisonDistrictNumber of cells fixed: 14Checking Worldpsace: ICImperialPalaceNumber of cells fixed: 15Checking Worldpsace: MS13CheydinhalOblivionWorldNumber of cells fixed: 26Checking Worldpsace: OblivionRD004Worldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: TestGatekeeperWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: KvatchPlazaNumber of cells fixed: 20Checking Worldpsace: ChorrolWorldNumber of cells fixed: 18Checking Worldpsace: AnvilCastleCourtyardWorldNumber of cells fixed: 12Checking Worldpsace: DAPeryiteRealmNumber of cells fixed: 65Checking Worldpsace: OblivionRD001Number of cells fixed: 8Checking Worldpsace: OblivionRD002Number of cells fixed: 4Checking Worldpsace: TestElytraWorldWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: TestFleshAtronachWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: TestBaliwogWorldWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: MQ14OblivionWorldWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: TestCreaturesGrummiteWorldWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: ICImperialPalaceMQ16Number of cells fixed: 7Checking Worldpsace: ICTempleDistrictMQ16Number of cells fixed: 8Checking Worldpsace: OblivionRD003Worldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: OblivionRD005Worldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: SEManiaGardenWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: SEDementiaGardenWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: OblivionRD006Worldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: MQ10BrumaOblivionGateWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: TestJyggylagWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: KvatchEastNumber of cells fixed: 11Checking Worldpsace: TestCreatureSkeletalHoundWorldWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: SETestCylarneWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: DreamWorldNumber of cells fixed: 4Checking Worldpsace: KvatchEntranceNumber of cells fixed: 7Checking Worldpsace: TestAyleidWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: SETestIslandWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: PalePassWorldWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: DreamWorld02Worldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: TGTempleOfTheEmperorZeroNumber of cells fixed: 3Checking Worldpsace: E3KvatchNumber of cells fixed: 3Checking Worldpsace: ArkvedsTowerWorldWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: DABoethiaRealmWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: OblivionRD007Worldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: TestMattWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: TestAlanBearsWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: CybiadesWorldWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: KRStage5Worldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: KRStage3Worldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: KRStage4Worldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: KRStage2Worldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: KRStage1Worldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: WFIslandWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: WFMerchantWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: WFSlumsWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: WFWealthyWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: A808TempleOfPhobosWorldWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: A808TempleOfFleshWorldNumber of cells fixed: 7Checking Worldpsace: A808MausolioumWorldWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: A808MausolioumLichLandNumber of cells fixed: 32Checking Worldpsace: A808UnderworldDarkWorldWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: A808RiversOfBloodWorldNumber of cells fixed: 38Checking Worldpsace: A808Qugur01Worldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: A808BloodCastleWorldWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: A808TestLandWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: A808BloodyFortWorldWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: A808AttundeleaWorldWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: a808FinalBattleWorldWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: A808AttundeleaWorldCOPY0000Worldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: a808FinalBattleWorldCOPY0000Worldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: A808BloodyFortWorldCOPY0000Worldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: A808MausolioumWorldCOPY0000Worldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: GTAesgaard2Worldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: ZZBUTCHERTheABYSS01Worldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: ZZLEGACYDreamWorld01Number of cells fixed: 8Checking Worldpsace: ZZTOTFTheABYSS02Number of cells fixed: 48Checking Worldpsace: ZZRUINTheAfterlifeNumber of cells fixed: 8Checking Worldpsace: ZZRUINTheAbyssNumber of cells fixed: 48Checking Worldpsace: ZZMALBrumaWorldDUMMYWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: A909MiniAesgaardExteriorNumber of cells fixed: 8Checking Worldpsace: A909MiniAesgaardSavageNumber of cells fixed: 8Checking Worldpsace: A909HellNumber of cells fixed: 6Checking Worldpsace: AANascostoWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: LostDeityShrine01Worldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: WarlockPlane01Worldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: WarlockPlane02Worldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: WarlockPlane03Worldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: 0HODRedMountainNumber of cells fixed: 36Checking Worldpsace: 0HODDeadWorld2Worldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: SSotAWorldWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: AEDInteriorWorldspaceWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: AEDSnowyWorldWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: aaTESAOublietteWorldWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: TESAHalloween01DMNightmareEndWorldNumber of cells fixed: 4Checking Worldpsace: aaTESAWillieSeaWorldWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: aaaJTOblivionWorldspaceWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: VHQKillZoneWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: VHQ06CastleWorldWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: VHQVulnasOblivionWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: vhq07HarbourwordWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: vhq07RoundWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: vhq07castleapproachWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: AFKDranasTombWorldNumber of cells fixed: 2Checking Worldpsace: ANQCorinthePalaceWorldWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: ANQVerkarthHillsWorldWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: ANQCorintheGardenWorldWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: ANQOrcrestGateWorldWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: ANQOrcrestTownWorldWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: FeldscarOblivionRealmWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: xulBRRAyleidHallsLyeseliWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: ForsakenHouseWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: BartholmWorldWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: BHSlartholmWorldNumber of cells fixed: 8Checking Worldpsace: BHNarcissaAtSeaWorldspace is ok!Checking Worldpsace: BartholmWorldWorldspace is ok!----Total number of cells fixed: 1055Repacking Heights...Number of cells that couldn't get repacked properly: 244They will not be saved.Cleaning the tree for the patch...Creating Patch...LandMagicPatch.esp created, don't forget to activate it!
There are worldspaces being reported with fixes that I wouldn't expect have been touched, such as TestGragtown. Literally speaking, yes, it has a tear, but since Oblivion.esm is the only thing touching it that seems like it should be ignored for the sake of less clutter in the resulting land patch.