» Sun Jun 12, 2011 8:03 pm
Okay, when I do this, I type in...
tesfaith "Niemarkh Island.ESP"
TC, -21, 21, -121, 121
TC, -20, 21, -120, 121
TC, -19, 21, -119, 121
TC, -21, 20, -121, 120
TC, -20, 20, -120, 120
TC, -19, 20, -119, 120
TC, -21, 19, -121, 120
TC, -20, 19, -120, 190
TC, -19, 19, -190, 190
And it either produces a file called "tfthlog.txt" (which does nothing) or a file called TFOUT.esp which is either 1) empty or 2) exactly the same as the original Niemarkh Island.ESP file. What the hell am I doing wrong?