(( Before we continue there is one thing I mu- -beep beep bee- ''WHAT THE FU-'' :nuke: ''MUUUHAHAHAHHA! Muhaha, BWAHAHAHAH!
And now the story shall continue.... Wait... What the... -looks outside window to see

bliviongate: ''AHhHHHH! ))
''Enjoy your stay.'' Berick raised a brow, but just then the walls began to burst with a blue light into... Butterflies?
Berick shut his eyes and bent his head as they fluttered around, tickling his skin.
''Get these vile things off me before I murder them!'' Tim said, frustration in his voice! ''AGHHH!'' The sound of crunching
was heard among the fluttering. Berick began to smell grass ( It is possible) and air. He could hear the sound of crickets chirping
in the distance as he slowly opened his eyes. The night sky was lit with many purple, yellow, and blue stars! The moons that Berick
was so use to were not there. Looking around, Berick saw that Haskill had disappeared. Then he averted his gaze to the wall that surrounded
the hills they were at.
The imperial in shining armor could see many giant mushrooms poking out of the ground. A little beyond the mushrooms were stone buildings
that much reminded Berick of Aylied Ruins. Then a small town that made Berick think of Seyda Neen, a swamp colony on Vvardenfall.
''Wow, Tim.'' A sudden urge to explore this vast world came over Berick. He just HAD to help the local populance out. He just HAD to
explore inch by inch. He just HAD to try there drink's! Wait, the imperial thought to himself. What the hell am I thinking? This is nothing
like me!
''I thought he would never leave.'' Berick heard a voice speak to his right. Tim! The sound of a blade sliding out of it's sheathe was heard
among the two. Then Tim slowly began to rise, a dark look on his face. ''But now.'' He said in a agitated voice. ''I have come to realise that
you are just a waste of skin, bone, blood, breathe, and my time! YOU are just a burden to this world that I dream of! YOU are trash! Meat!
I am a god among our kind!''
Berick couldnt beleive what Tim was saying, ''Tim!'' Berick gasped, ''What has gotten into you! Ever since we got here, you have been treating
me like Cliffracer droppins!''
Tim coughed ''I have no time for this!'' And with those words, he raised his claymore!
Berick's eyes widened in horror. But instinct quickly took over and the Imperial raised his shield! His arm was knocked back slightly as the blade
hit the metal circle on it! Berick immidietly followed the block with a shield bash, causing Tim to stumble back! Berick immidietly drew out his
silver blade and swung toward Tim's thigh, only to have it nearly kicked out of his hands! Berick raised his shield to block yet another oncoming
attack, stumbling back slightly as Tim's blade hit it! ''Tim! Its' me! Berick Landrath!''
''I know who you are! You are WEAK!'' Berick smashed his gauntleted right fist into Berick's face, knocking him back! ''WORTHLESS!'' Berick rolled
to the side, knowing what was about to happen. He heard the sound of metal hitting ground as he pushed himself up, letting his shield slide out of
his arm!
''Tim. I dont want to hurt you!'' Berick said, his blade clutched in both hands, his back bent. ''Just put th-''
''AHHHHHHHHHH!'' Tim charged at Berick, waving his blade around widly! Berick thrust his blade forward, sqeezing his eyes shut. The next
thing he heard was metal being torn, a squirt, and some cracking. And all he felt was warm liquid spray all over his face!
Brutuse looked the five corpses over. None's eyes had been pulled out, but it was Jerek all right. He couldnt tell by the glowing
dust on the grass. Jerek was known for being able to drain the magic energies of items out as well. Davian, a wood elf scout with
leather armor and curled red hair walked toward Brutuse, shaking his head.
''No footprints, no scent, no blood, no torn clothes. It is almost as if he had never left.'' Davian said, his arms crossed.
''Keep looking. He has to be here somwhere.'' Cloud ordered, looking the shrine to Sheogorath over. Suddenly, a Altmer appeared
infront of it! A evil grin was on his face.
Jerek smiled, rubbing his chin. ''No need, good captain.'' Jerek said coldly. ''Your little friend is correct. Oh and by little, I mean little.''
Davians face turned red as he clenched his hands into fist! ''WHY YOU PUNK! Come down from there and I will sho-'' Jerek raised a finger,
forcing Davians jaw shut! ''Now now. No need to be rude!'' Jerek said as Brutuse let out a shout, pulling out a dagger! Jerek made a
hand gesture, pulling the dagger out from Brutuse hand and into his own!
''A knife? Really now? This is how you planned to defeat one of Cyrodil's most wanted? My my, the Legion gets dumber ever day!''
Jerek tossed the knife behind him, slowly striding forward. ''Sit down, let us talk.'' Suddenly, he heard somthing in the air near his ear.
''Hmmm?'' He then saw a volley of arrows heading his way! The Altmer raised his right hand, stopping the arrows! He could see a group of
eight getting ready to fire another volley! Jerek rotated his hand around, the arrows turning as he did so! He then raised his finger toward the
group, unleashing there own volley right back at them! Blood splattered in the air as they hit there targets!
''You bastard!'' Davian shouted, running toward Jerek with his fist raised! Jerek flicked his hand backwards, then toward Davian! Suddenly
the dagger that Jerek tossed behind him wizzed past his left ear and into the Scouts chest!
''Ahhhh!'' Davian screamed, gripping his chest as he fell onto the ground! The woodelf began to crawl away from Jerek, only to be stopped
with the raise of a hand!
''Where do you think your going?'' Jerek rhetorically asked. He made a pushing motion with his left hand towar Brutuse, sending him flying a
good few yards back! The Altmer then averted his gaze back to the bleeding Bosmer on the grass. With the slight rotation of his right hand, he
flipped Davian over! His left hand began to glow black as he clenched it into a fist, raising his index finger! He made a come-here motion with it.
Davian felt his eyes began to be tugged! Agonising pain swam through his brain as they began to rip out of his head! The woodelf let out a shriek
of pain as the blood began to roll out of his sockets and onto his cheeks! Then it felt like his head was splitting open. Then.... His world went black.