I have a distand memory of reading/hearing where there a limit to the textures you can aooly to an area
then you had to remove some data to allow the texture to be applied.
Whats happing is this, I downloaded the beautiful most awsome "Lands End" mod off of Oblivion Realistate
and was so struck with it's so so choice enviroment I desided to use it for myself to put towns building etc on it
so as one would exspect theres some land remoddling needed to make stuff fit well, this is not an issue but in
any well breed city/town the streets are cobblestone or the like and theres not lot high grass's growing through
building and paths etc. So apon selecting the cobble of choice in landscape editing I right click as ya do, round
the area I wish to cobble to find some parts change to the selected texture others change colour a bit but do not
turn to cobble, some don't change at all. heres when (I think) that data limit I'm not sure about comes in and I need
to do something before I can textue those area's, I have not been able to find a tut that explains this is reasonbley
simple English so as one might understand whats happening. Like most manuals CS Wiki seems to explain the
What but no details on the how to the point where this is covered
Thanks in advance for any help, I am not the only lost soul that could benifit from a wee tut on this asspect fo modding
so keep in mind your answers will make for a better worldspace, humbly thank you