Edit: I've reworded the questions to make more sense:
Is the reason that most of the npcs speak in the same language because they are speaking a common tongue (rendered as english), but they each have their own unique traditional language or 'old tongue'?
Do the names of creatures or places mean anything in the in-lore languages? For example does Cheydinhal mean anything in a tongue of Cyrodiil, or does Dreugh mean anything?
Do the different races of man have their own languages, and if so why aren't these portrayed ingame?
Do the names of places, creatures, ect, that are obviously not english, such as Ald'ruhn or Guar, mean anything in the native languages of their province?
Or are they just random words that the devs came up with that they thought sounded good?
I assume the language of the Empire is english (it's probably called something else in the lore), so why do places in other provinces have 'english' names, such as Mournhold and Dragonstar?
Is it because they were founded or once occupied by the Empire?
And finally, why does every province in Tamriel except for Elsweyr & Cyrodiil have an english name?
Or is this just part of the lore that hasn't been developed much? :huh:
Tankard of mead for anyone who can help answer