I remember lighting up my chosen house in morrowind with lantens and candles of different colors. It gave the place a lighthearted atmosphere or a dark and forboding one. I would like to see this return with skyrim where you can place lanterns and candles anywhere you choose.
That would be awesome, I remember not liking houses in Oblivion simply because there were dark ominous areas to the house I couldn't light and the fact that there was 0 customization when it came to furniture. :facepalm:
i remember lighing up my house with red lanterns making it dark, it gave the feel of an assassins house. If i used the blue lanterns it would be a place of solace.
I use to do the same thing back in Morrowind, was quite disappointed when i realized i could not do the same in Oblivion. Would love to see lanterns of different colours again.
i liked to roleplay a mage and i would set up a desk with soulgems, some parchment, and a nice candle to set the mood. I really hope they put those items back in skyrim