Kinda northish..... well, in the general area north of Agatha's House. You will see a broken rail for an elevated train, that stretches east to west, or vice-versa,
and underneath that you will see some vehicles.
You really need to scout the area before shooting, and kill anything in the area, avoiding the highway as the backdrop to your fired shots. Now walk along the road, both east and west. By scouting, you can find the beginning and end of the vehicle domino set up. I like to mine the first car, then shoot the stack with a scoped weapon. What is also cool though is mining a middle car, and watching the domino effect go in two directions.
Really cool at night.
Don't stand too close!
I'd save a lot.
There's another one near the Sniper Shack, iirc, and again near the car fort... the drive in theater is pretty sweet. My most memorable explosion here (the one east of TPT) is dropping a gas canister in the middle of the lot while stealthboyed, then backing out and blowing it up.
For truly epic in a closed in situation... bring serious armor and gear, and go at level 25 or higher (Enclave needs to have been activated in BS by this time) to L'Enfant Plaza. An extremely target-rich environment, however, it's quite easy to die right away here. Like, right away. I'd save a lot.